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Favourite answers12%
  • What is safety like in the mines in indonesia?

    If you have worked in indonesia underground, what is it like for safety? Are the standards up to Australian mines? If not why and where do they differ?

    4 AnswersHealth & Safety10 years ago
  • bananas and walnuts-what do they have in common in properties?

    My husband has developed an alergy to walnuts, same as his allergy to bananas, same reaction. Wanting to know if maybe the 2 share common parts??

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Why is my new laptop flashing green checkers and pink checkers across the screen?

    My laptop has windows 7. It flashes with a green checker pattern behind the cursor sometimes and also pink checkers across the whole screen. It also shuts down after the pink checkers sometimes. Its only a week old and the only thing I have downloaded is i tunes store. No files, or other programs. This started before the i tunes anyway? Any ideas on why?

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Do you have a silly song to help your kids learn these words and understand what they mean?

    I need songs to help teach my daughter these things. Any rhymes/songs/actions to certain tunes that you have used or can make up? I am at a loss at the moment, thanks. Any ideas helpful








    2 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • at what age do kids start not taking idioms literally?

    like...'you have a chip on your shoulder' doesnt actually mean there is a potato chip on their shoulder and 'pulling my leg' doesnt mean yanking on my leg.

    Kids with autism have difficulty with these statements and can take them literally. Just wanting to know at what age do kids usually 'get' this sort of stuff..

    My daughter is 3 1/2yrs old with an older sister with autism. She told her sister today to put her seat belt on or the police man would take her away and 'stick her up on the wall' . She obviously heard this in a movie or something 'stick em up' , lol. It was very cute, and I know this is prob quite normal at her age, but I would like to know what is typical.


    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever trained a dog for use with kids with autism?

    We are looking at getting a dog. It would be great to be able to teach the dog to look out for my daughter with autism and other kids too. My daughter has no fear of water and is actually attracted to it. She has no sense of danger, and can be oblivious to the world around her sometimes. Will eat plants and non edible things etc. Wondering if we could train our dog to help be another pair of eyes just in case. What traits would you look for in a dog, and how would you go about training it? If I were to train it myself where would I learn what to do? Or would I need a special puppy school? I am in Australia


    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • at what age did your child with autism sit/crawl/walk etc?

    What ages, my son is 7 1/2 mths old now, has an older sister with downs/autism. With his sister, well she regressed at 15mths old, but also had a delay due to her downs with walking, sitting etc. she walked early for a child with downs at 15 mths, was talking single words at 12mths etc. But she lost her words and became self absorbed and had a lot of sensory problems. I cant compare her to her brother so wanting to compare to other kids.

    At what age did your child start crawling/sitting etc, or were these all around the same time as typically developing kids and then your child regressed in speech etc? Or maybe they didnt regress, and were always struggling with speech/social??

    My son is not crawling, not even close, has just learned to roll both ways, but is not using it on purpose to get toys etc. He doesnt sit up yet, but socially he is doing well, and verbally, so really just concerned about his possible low muscle tone, and whether kids who develop autism also have low muscle tone. Any answers appreciated

    4 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Why does my resume use up 95 megabytes?

    Its supposed to be under 2mb to send. Im using ms works word processor. Ive used the same resume for ages, with a few modifications here and there, and ive always been able to send it. Why is it so big now? How can I fix it? Ive tried compressing it and zipping it, with no luck. I dont have another word processing program to use. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Any lady's in waiting, past there due date?

    With my first 2 kids I was 2 weeks early and 1 day early, this time baby is 3 days late already...when is he gonna come out, and no signs yet. Very hard to wait longer than expected,,,what about you?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • did you keep you belly ring in for the whole of your pregnancy?

    Or did you use a special one in particular??

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • At what stage of your pregnancies did you start braxton hicks contractions?

    Just curious, I have 2 kids already but I think with the last 2 it was a little later, I am nearly 30 wks and these ones started 2 weeks ago..Just wondering if it might mean baby will come earlier than expected..

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Funny qtn, But Do you think some kids are naturally evil?

    I have always thought kids are innocent, they just do silly things sometimes, but Im starting to think otherwise. I just had a little girl at the shopping centre, who was about 5 purposely hit my 2.5 yr old in the head with a swinging gate (at the checkout). Now I know kids will do this stuff, but this one seemed to have no remorse, and was really satisfied. Most kids will know this is wrong and you can see the guilt on their face or that they know what theyve done and be sorry etc, but this one just stared at my daughter like she wanted to kill her or something. The mother told her off but as they walked away the kid then stared at me with evil eyes so to speak. It just felt like pure evil. Have you ever met a child like this? Or what could be up with this child?? She didnt seem silly, was quite on to it. Is there a diagnosis for kids that may explain it, I may just have to accept that there are kids who are naturally evil out there.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does it annoy you when..?

    You ask your parents to babysit and its like, they will If they have nothing else to do by then but arent doing anything at the moment?

    What do you say to them when you go ahead and organise a sitter that will cost you money and they come back to you a few days later and say they will?? I felt terrible saying ive organised something already, but still annoyed at them.. How would you explain what you feel in the nicest possible way??

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • This is a little weird, but can anyone think of?

    Foods that fit this catergory?

    Are eaten warm or room temperature, brown,white or yellow in color, smooth, soft or mushy texture??

    I have:

    fish fingers

    weet bix

    chicken (kinda smooth)




    hot chips


    nutella sanwich

    Im trying to broaden my daughters diet, and have worked out these similarities with what she WILL eat. She has autism.


    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to get my autistic child to eat new foods?

    My daughter is 4. she has downs and autism. Her diet consists of fish fingers, cocktail frankfurts, weet bix, hot chips, toast, chips,biscuits, rice crackers and fresh squeezed juice. That is about it! Will occasionally eat chicken.

    I have no idea whether it is the colour, texture etc. But I am getting frustrated with not being able to feed her properly. She flatly refuses foods, and will go hungry if she cant have what she likes, new foods will not even get to her mouth or she will just look at it and back away. If i quickly try and put it in her mouth just so she gets a taste she pretty much gags...

    I do give her a multivitamin and a fish oil in her weetbix once a day, but the foods she eats are still not good enough in my opinion.

    games like here comes the aeroplane or eat the froggy 'ribbit' lol do not work.

    I have also tried putting different foods on her plate for days at a time, hoping she will try, with no luck.

    Any parents had any luck with this or any other ideas???

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Boardmaker?? Is there a cheaper option?

    Boardmaker computer program for pictures. Is there any other program that will do a similar thing?? for a cheaper price?? That lets me put my own pictures in with wording, aswell as has the PECS pics??

    3 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Basic numeracy and literacy skills, what to start with?

    I am trying to start very basic skills with my daughter. She has down syndrome and autism and is 4. She has only just learned to sort colours, but doesnt know red from green etc. She can draw a dot or zig zag or line or circle, but thats about it. She cant count, once she counted to 6 but dunno where that went!

    What comes next? or what order is the easiest to learn?? Ive been to a course a while ago where i think drawing a cross will come next and I know there is an order best to teach in.

    Does anyone have a chart or something that will tell me what may come next, in the basic of steps??

    Any information or ideas would be helpful, thanks

    2 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Parents of special needs children aged 2 to 10..?

    I am a gymnastic coach.. If there were classes held that were disability specific, (eg autism, down syndrome, hearing impared, vision impared, physical disabilities etc) What would you love to be included in the program?? What would you like your kids to learn? I am mum to daughter with ds/autism, and know I would love it if I could take her and it would include: eye contact, basic speech program , social interactions, PECS, Sign lang, song/dance, sensory, etc All to co-incide with her early intervention therapies...Not to mention Gymnastics itself. If you dont mind pls include your childs disability, age and what you would love to have in a program. I found putting my daughter in with typically developing children was too quick paced and not at her level..Also what qualifications would you expect a coach to have? Anything else that may be relevant. Thanks.

    2 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Parents of special needs children aged 2 to 10..?

    I am a gymnastic coach.. If there were classes held that were disability specific, (eg autism, down syndrome, hearing impared, vision impared, physical disabilities etc) What would you love to be included in the program?? What would you like your kids to learn? I am mum to daughter with ds/autism, and know I would love it if I could take her and it would include: eye contact, basic speech program , social interactions, PECS, Sign lang, song/dance, sensory, etc All to co-incide with her early intervention therapies...Not to mention Gymnastics itself. If you dont mind pls include your childs disability, age and what you would love to have in a program. I found putting my daughter in with typically developing children was too quick paced and not at her level..Also what qualifications would you expect a coach to have? Anything else that may be relevant. Thanks.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago