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Is donated income taxable?
if i were to hold city council seat and donate all my salary would it be considered taxable income less than 6k annual for city council in my city. ?
7 AnswersUnited States1 week ago - 5Upvotes of all answers to this question
Do all tenants make renters sign a lease?
What if you want to stay after the lease is up?
7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 week ago - 13Upvotes of all answers to this question
Emotional support animals in rentals?
Favourite answer:The ADA has not been amended to allow emotional support animals in rentals.
Emotional SERVICE animals are allowed in most rentals and it's not based on the ADA, it's based on HUD regulations.
The difference between a support and service animal is that service animals provide aid to disabled individuals. The aid can be in the form of support.
As a landlord, whenever you are asked to allow an emotional SERVICE animal, you can require documentation from the tenant's doctor. You can get the correct form from the landlord association in your area. This won't tell any medical information but will certify that the person meets the criteria of being disabled.
Additionally, as a landlord, under HUD, you are allowed to decline the emotional SERVICE animal if it's a financial hardship - such as can't get insurance because of a breed restriction or the unit is too small to properly care for the animal.
Yes, I have seen emotional SERVICE animals in a dorm room.
But dorm rooms are not covered by HUD regulations, so that's probably a policy from school to school.
6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 week ago - 6Upvotes of all answers to this question
What is a good site to search for apartments for rent for my fiance and I?
Really, all we need is a one bedroom lol, it would be nice to have a second room for a potential roomie to help lower the rental cost, but we dont NEED it. With splitting rent, I could possibly afford spending about up to $450, but he is probably able to spend a little less.
All the sites I come across have $1k+ rent... because they are luxurious. Granted, i know many appreciate that feature but I am trying to find something affordable. I would like to compare non-luxurious places (when I say "Luxury" I am simply talking about the unnecessary addition of pools and extra rooms, yes I would like a decent place to call home but I do not want a super rich place).
So, any advice/tips/fingers pointing in the right direction?
Thank you in advance!
5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 week ago - 3Upvotes of all answers to this question
Do mortgage companies require proof of tenant insurance if you are renting the home to a third party? ?
and do they do some type of inspection at any time?
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 week ago - 0Upvotes of all answers to this question
how to post an advertise here ?
4 AnswersSearch Engine Optimisation1 week ago - 4Upvotes of all answers to this question
why is the news seeming to be very vague or even withholding the real reason that Bitcoin crashed 15 percent lately?
it was due to Turkey deciding to ban crypto currency transactions AND China announcing a Yuan crypto currency and they are fearing that if China does their own digital currency than that means the US will probably follow suit?
4 AnswersInvesting1 week ago - 4Upvotes of all answers to this question
Do you live in a safe neighborhood?
Is your area safe to the point where you can live in a non-gated house and actually sleep on the front lawn with the door unlocked?
11 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 weeks ago - 30Upvotes of all answers to this question
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Why is everyone cool with the fact if you die any time after a Covid-19 vaccine you will not receive any life insurance money under most ?
So if you are married and your spouse dies and is the breadwinner and dies due to the vaccines , you will not receive life insurance money , similar To a death in military service
Because these are experimental drugs ... so now I’m not going to continue with my vaccine as scheduled . Why aren’t they covering this ?
9 AnswersInsurance2 weeks ago - 58Upvotes of all answers to this question
My mom passed and her home estate is in my name, I have tenants in the?
My mom passed and her home estate is in my name, I have tenants in the home but want them to take over the mortgage in so many days or we have to sell - Is there a legal letter or terminology that gives them so much time to transfer the mortgage into their name without a sale of the home?
23 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 weeks ago - 12Upvotes of all answers to this question
A year ago, house was appraised at $162k. I received an offer to refinance for $200k. If I take it and the bubble bursts, what will happen?
Favourite answer:The biggest impact would be if the bubble burst and you decided to sell. Because you could very well end up upside down on your mortgage, owing more than your house is worth. If you plan to stay in your home for a long time, the impact will likely be minimal as long as the market recovers. You simply continue living in your home and paying the mortgage, then after the market recovers you can sell and not have a loss. Otherwise it’s just a paper loss without direct impact.
8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 weeks ago - 5Upvotes of all answers to this question
Are my intentions well-meaning?
I asked my gold-pendulum; it indicates
I have a strong potential to be a great
online tarot-card reader. It's not just so I
can stay home all day. It pays twice as much
as most other jobs I can do, and I'd be
happy to share those profits with my family.
Isn't that the goal of work, to find
something suitable that is stable,
it pays well and won't break your mental-health?
So far, most jobs I've tried
have caused me depression.
6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 week ago - 5Upvotes of all answers to this question
Should I refinance or sell?
I currently have a mortgage of $95.000 balance. The house is worth $325.000 according to my realtor. It wouldn’t be hard to sell but it would be hard to find our next house with the upgrades that we want. We have the option of looking for a new build too. Or should we refinance and then sell later?? I don’t even know how that option would work other than lower our rate and monthly payment. But we are set in getting a newer home. We don’t have any debt other than a car payment. Stable job, 401k, and some savings.
7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 weeks ago - 1Upvotes of all answers to this question
How do I deal with senseless workplace drama?
I've worked for my company 5 years. Recently we are very short staffed. My boss had confronted me with things " he had been hearing" from my co workers and said I should come to him instead of telling them. Only thing I mentioned to my coworkers was that I felt overwhelmed with the schedule, nothing more. I should point out that I'm very loyal and dependable. Ive came in countless times when they were short on staff and never called in a single day. I even got an employee of the year award one year and several raises. Now I feel disrespected and unappreciated. The boss had put up a sign that that if anyone has any issues with the schedule to come to him and not the others. I feel like that was directed at me. Its like beating a dead horse, I only have to be told once. It seems like some of the coworkers think its funny and get some kind of satisfaction from it. Sad part is, I thought they were my friends only to go behind my back. I have no idea why they have done this to me. Any ideas as to what I should do? Its getting to where I dread to go to work and I'm beginning to understand why nobody works here for long.
6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 weeks ago - 9Upvotes of all answers to this question
Have you spent $200 on groceries?
10 AnswersPersonal Finance2 weeks ago - 1Upvotes of all answers to this question
why does my iphone drain so much battery overnight?
I charged my phone to 81% last night before I went to sleep. Put my phone on airplane mode and went to bed - woke up and my phone was on 66%?? Why is this happening and is this much battery drain normal?
7 AnswersPersonal Finance2 weeks ago - 5Upvotes of all answers to this question
What kind of job would you get if you were a vampire?
10 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 weeks ago - 13Upvotes of all answers to this question
I broke Texas lease due to mold 6 months ago.?
Favourite answer:What are your options?
You can either pay it, try to negotiate a settlement for less, or wait until they sue you and ruin your credit with a judgement.
Mold is rarely hazardous, and can be cleaned with bleach water or a number of other disinfectants.
Cleaning the home is generally the tenant's responsibility. If the mold is occurring due to taking hot showers or just general humidity then its your job to clean the home to keep the mold under control. It may cause minor irritation but that can be addressed by wearing an N95 mask and making sure you have good ventilation while you work.
Cleanup only becomes the landlord's job if its caused by a faulty system such as a leaky roof, leaky plumbing, or a dryer that isn't properly vented.
Even if the landlord was responsible for the issue there is a legal process for breaking a lease due to an unresolved maintenance problem. You need to notify the landlord in writing of the problem, give them reasonable time to correct the problem, and then get a court order allowing you to break the lease if they still haven't fixed it. You cannot just unilaterally decide that your landlord's efforts were inadequate. Did you even do a mold test to prove that there was airborne mold?
The bottom line is that if they sue you, they will win and you'll have a judgement and trashed credit. I suggest you negotiate a settlement. Maybe they'll accept half the money. Maybe not, but its a starting point for negotiation.
Next time either honor your lease, pay the penalty or follow the proper legal process to break it.
8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 weeks ago