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Rai A
Wish folks chose their own Best Answer & it's not left for voting. I did not ask for Top Contributor (etc) & it shouldn't make me a target for any bigot with a bee in their bonnet. I'm prepared for respectful, informed, genuine intelligent discussions with anyone. Preferably those who can tell the difference between their sacred book and traditions/urban myths (eg: ) I live 27° 33' 0" South, 151° 58' 0" East (yep She_Geek at large) Perky Goth for over 2 decades... H2G2 fan & WWW (Wiccan wanton & Wonderful...) * * * Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus is "Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon". I uses it as a variation of "let sleeping dogs lie"
Hunting a possible Cyber-bully?
Trying to hunt down an abusive Yahoo question making accusations about my character.
Seems someone I blocked this morning (after receiving an abusive e-mail attacking me for being an Australian and daring to answer an "American question"), has made a yahoo question posting my profile suggesting I was "Anti-American" and worse.
I received a second abusive message from some one who's apparently believes the accusations. (both have been reported) the body is posted below. I have hunted for key phrases in Yahoo answers looking for the question but cannot find it.
Message: Are you anti-American? What is your reason for the harassment and hate of Americans? Why have you been harassing U.S. soldiers and calling them "war criminals"? Why have you been going around saying Americans are all the same, generalizing Americans, etc? I ask because someone asked a question and gave a link to you profile stating that you've been doing this on here to many people.
Why would you do that? Grow up please, if you actually are. Learn some decency and view humans as humans instead of hating people simply because of their nationality. How sad you could be like that. What a very very sad state of affairs you must be in.
4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoAny Word smiths out there?
I'm looking for a word or short conscience phrase (sound bite?) to describe a particular stunt used to manipulate attention from bystanders (creating the false perception he's in need of assistance/protection). Hoping I can find someone who can describe this particular performance more eloquently than I can.
This particular person will respond to being caught out lying by sitting, acting helpless, waving his arms (normally he does not "talk with his hands") & repeatedly opening and closing his mouth (reminds me of a fish gasping for air). The aim is twofold
1/ if he doesn't actually say anything, he's not admitting fault/guilt.
2/ the performance manipulates bystanders to gain sympathy, backing or support. Thus creating a useful distraction as well as manufacturing a potential protector.
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoLooking for a word.?
I'm trying to organise a specific kind of Community event and was hoping there's one word that describes it.
I've seen documentation of one form of 50's UK Coronation event when everyone brings a table/chairs & potluck meal into the street for a community meal.
(just as a recent reference - & for any Dr Who fans it was what was being set up at the end of "The Idiot's Lantern")
Just looking for something that describes the combining of tables/chairs/potluck & community into one or two words.
Thanks in advance.
4 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoFairy Paganism?
My daughter's path seems to be traveling more along a fay path to mine.
Does anyone know any url's for any academic background Fairy stuff so I can help her?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoPagan Parents.?
I've already been falsely reported to the authorities because of my faith. Unfortunately people believe where there's smoke there's fire.
I've been critised for permitting my daughter to attend ANY religious service that she is interested in. In 5 years she's decided to attend the school Easter Service twice. She's observed Budhists services and is quite familiar with various religious symbols and how to show respect to the (various) faith(s) claiming that symbol.
How can this be wrong?
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoReligious Ethics. Encouraging/supporting the underaged?
I've noticed something in R&S and have a ethical conflict.
I've seen a number of (apparently) under aged questioners asking heartfelt questions about their chosen faith. They have obviously already made decisions about their faith. I then see Fundementalists attack these kids - falsely warning them about Satanism, making vailed threats of their mortal sole etc. Basic scare taticts.
My question is is it ethically correct to report "abuse" when the Fundementalists honesetly believe that they are morally obliged to make these threats?
I see it as a violation of a child's human rights.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoReligious Ethics. Encouraging/supporting the underaged?
I've noticed something in R&S and have aconflict in ethics.
I've seen a number of (apparently) under aged questioners asking heartfelt questions about their chosen faith. They have obviously already made decisions to do with their faith, and not been 'seduced to the 'darkside' (etc). I then see Fundementalists attack these kids - falsely warning them about Satanism, making vailed threats of their mortal sole etc. Basic scare taticts.
My question is is it ethically correct to report "abuse" when the Fundementalists honesetly believe that they are morally obliged to make these threats?
I see it as a violation of a child's human rights.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAustralian employment law & WorkChoices.?
I'm posting this for a friend (he can't post from work) who wants to know if a prospective employer can equire someone to undergo a pre-employment medical check. However, they have also stated that if the prospective employer chooses not to accept the position, they must reimburse for the cost of the medical. Are they entitled to do this?"
Reason for this is :-
He's in the process of hiring new programmers for a team. The <expletive deleated> HR manager has tried to get a new programmers to agree to this. Now one of them is saying he doesn't want to have anything to do with a company that would do that. She may have just cost him a really good guy for the team.
1 AnswerLaw & Legal1 decade agoFor Deltora Quest fans with Fan Art?
My 10 year old daughter wants to go to the school's "Book Week" parade as Deltora Quest's Jasmine and she's not happy with the Anime version.
Just was hoping there's any budding artists who might be able to point me towards any Fan sites that might images more suited to the book than the anime.
2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoFor Deltora Quest fans with Fan Art?
My 10 year old daughter wants to go to the school's "Book Week" parade as Deltora Quest's Jasmine and she's not happy with the Anime version.
Just was hoping there's any budding artists who might be able to point me towards any Fan sites that might images more suited to the book than the anime.
1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade agoMultiples of 7?
I recall a primary school teacher who gave me a trick to recall numbers multiples of 3 & 7. Only I've forgotten how the trick for 7 went.
It was something like the x3. Which was that adding the digets of multiples of 3 will always add to 3, 6 or 9. Eg 81 = 8+1 = 9 & 642 = 6+4+2 = 12 -> 1+2 = 3.
Does anyone know the x7 one?
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoQuestion about Yahoo TOS & Spaming.?
I have been sent the below comment from an un-named Yahoo list moderator.
* In a private email to another moderator you commented that you
* have the right to contact members off list. This is a contravention
* of Yahoo TOS. You can only contact other members off list if you
* have permission from them or if you already know them
* personally and have previous contact off list with them. If we
* receive complaints that you are contacting people off list without
* permission, you will be banned.
My concern is that in the past I have e-mailed her off list to continue a discussion that was getting was getting off topic & she's accepted this in the past. There has been several people recently banned because of the SPAM accusation & it seems that this definition has been mis-used to remove "undesirables" while insisting this is a fair & open process.
My Question is this... who defines if somethings a contravention of Yahoo TOS & who watches the watches/moderators?
2 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade agoMy Ex has posted a nude photo of me.?
The Photo was found on one of his sex groups (in the same folder as some sexually specific ones of him). Does anyone know how to get Yahoo to remove it - as he's the list's owner so complaining to him will do nothing.
2 AnswersAttachments and Photos1 decade agoIf a Mother talks in a room full of children. Does she actually make a sound?
5 AnswersFriends1 decade agoOzzie New year...?
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ...
Hope everyone'll have a good one...
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoNatural Fluoride??
Was wondering if anyone knows a natural dietary source of fluoride?
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agoAnyone got advice to an Absolute Beginner to Linux?
My Ex has left me with a computer that's useless to me unless I can work out how to program it. I'm more use to DOS. (yeah I"m a dinosaur)
As it is I can't write or read anything from the floppy, download my camera or use the CD burner (& don't get me started on the printer). Determined to get as much use as I can from this contraption.
3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoDiabetic - Personality changes?
I'm looking for information that might explain why a family member suddenly got abusive once he developed Diabetes. I know he deliberately keeps his BSL high (against all advice), can this be a explanation?
8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago