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I'm a long time animal lover. I own an arabian pony gelding, two female whippets and a male pomeranian chihuahua- they are my children!

  • Introducing a horse to the clippers!?

    Can someone tell me how to best go about introducing my horse to the clippers? The only experience he has with clippers was when he was branded as a weanling, before I got him, which was over 9 years ago now.

    I also do not have access to a stable stall, if that makes any difference.

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Living with Dogs with Lupis?

    Yesterday my 2 1/2 year old female whippet was diagnosed with early stage Lupis (Discoid lupus erythematosus). I have read up a bit on this condition on the internet but was wondering if anyone here has had experience with their dog Lupis, and how did you handle the condition? And do you have any tips that can help me care for mine better?

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Horse sick after worming?

    Has anyone else had a horse that became sick a few days after being wormed?

    On Thursday I wormed my horse with Equimax worm paste (it treats worms as well as bots and tapeworm). Big deal, he has had this paste before with no problems.

    However on Saturday, late afternoon when I arrived to feed my horse, it was clear that something was up. *He did not come greet me when I drove up- usually he is waiting at the corner for me. Instead he was in his shed, and didn't leave it until I dragged him out to rug him for the night. Very unlike him.

    *He also had not finished his breakfast, and showed little interest in his dinner.

    *He had produced less manure than normal, and did not look comfortable.

    *There were no gut sounds until suddenly a loud rumble. His gums were a little pale.

    *He started kicking at the right side of his belly, and started walking backward, which are all symptoms he exhibited when he had a mild colic attack a few years ago (caught that early on), and even hid behind his shed. After leading him around a few minutes, he produced a small pile of loose manure, but still didn't look comfortable. He didn't object to having me stroke his face, and even tried to hide his face in my side, which is completely unlike him as he likes his space and is not a fan of having his face touched.

    7 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Which boots are best? Splint or exercise?

    Once I get my saddle altered, I plan to start riding again. It has been 9 months since my horse has been ridden, naturally I will be taking it slow with us both, short rides at the walk for starters. He is a pretty green 9yo Arabian pony- green due to my long term shoulder problem, and my refusal to let other people ride him.

    My question is, would it be worth getting him boots? I was considering buying a pair of Roma neoprene Splint cushion boots, or would the Roma Merino sheepskin Exercise Boots (both sold at Horseland) be better?

    Which would you recommend for a horse just starting to be ridden again?

    Is there another type of boots I should consider?

    Or would he be better off with no boots at all?

    I am planning on getting him bell boots as he does tend to step on his heel bulbs and the backs of his pasterns.

    He has had a few leg problems in the past with his right foreleg (heat with some swelling), and so I would like to minimise the chances of him hurting himself after so long away from the saddle.

    5 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Changing a saddle's billets...?

    May seem a strange question, but has anyone changed the billets on their all purpose saddle to dressage billets? If so, did it affect the way the saddle sat on the horse and performed?

    I am thinking of getting this done due to a long term shoulder problem which makes tightening the girth almost impossible unless I stand on a mounting block, which my boy is not a fan of my doing.

    5 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Causes of Laminitis ?

    After reading that there are fears that 2013 Victoria Derby winner Polanski could develop laminitis due to his injury suffered in the Futurity Stakes, I started wondering about the causes of laminitis.

    How many people have had a horse or pony that had laminitis?

    What caused it?

    How did you treat it?

    How long did it take for the horse to overcome it?

    I have never yet had a horse or pony that has suffered this (hope I never do), and while I know quite a bit about it, I would like to hear from people who have experienced it themselves. From the owner's point of view (personal), rather than the vet (technical).

    3 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Collegiate Dressage Saddles?

    I'm thinking of buying a dressage saddle, and I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice about the Collegiate Dressage saddles. How good are they? How well do they fit your horse? Are they worth their price tag? Are they a good first dressage saddle? How strongly would you recommend them?

    Please, can only people who own or have owned a Collegiate dressage saddle answer?

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Is this normal Whippet behaviour?

    Recently I have noticed a lot of dead sparrows around my yard, usually they are in my young whippet's mouth. She has always been fascinated by birds- when out walking if she sees a bird, she will stare at it intently and try to lunge at it. Sometimes she'll even whine.

    I suspect she is actually catching these birds- she's a pretty fast runner and easily out-sprints my other female whippet. She's also smarter than the other whippet too.

    Do you think that it is possible that she IS catching the birds? Is this normal whippet behaviour?

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Likit??? Which does your horse prefer?

    I have been thinking of getting my 9yo arab gelding a likit of some sort, but I am unsure of which.

    Those who have used them, which Likit product would you recommend? How quickly did your horse take to them? How hard wearing are they if left outside in the sun and the rain and the wind? How long do they last before you need a refill?

    All recommendations are greatly appreciated!

    5 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Ways to distract an arab?

    My arab has been in his stable yard for 2 years without a problem. Apart from leaning on a few fences trying to get the grass on the other side, pruning and digging up a few tree roots- I think he was a landscaper in a past life.

    Recently the new stable boarder had a wooden post fence built, replacing the fence between her horse (a known wooden fence chewer) and my 9yo arab. My horse's yard is now a quarter of the size it was (he has gone from having the largest yard to the smallest) and the stable owner has no intention of removing that temporary fence.

    Yesterday I discovered that my horse has started chewing the old wooden post by his gate- really stripping the outer layer off it and dropping the strips onto the ground. I believe he is doing this for two reasons- the other horse, a former pacer, has taught him, and due to no longer being able to run about in his yard so he's bored.

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to distract him from his new post munching habit, apart from painting the fence with something nasty? Any toys I could make at home? He has a basketball and a football to play with (he's more interested in the football).

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    9 AnswersHorses8 years ago