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Favourite answers44%
  • Basic mail keeps resetting to new mail?

    I don't like the new mail so I keep changing it to Basic. I have refreshed to make it 'stick'. Next day it is back to the new mail. Interesting that often the first time of a day it opens with my old theme/layout/style so the Classic is hiding there somewhere. Then it changes to the new mail and awful theme/style and so I change it back to Basic. Save, Save, Save. and the next day it repeats all over again. How do you make Basic 'stick' or is it a 'bug'?

    4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • Which side up when using Aluminium cooking foil?

    Aluminium cooking foil has a shiny side and a dull side. Is here a difference as to which side you have up when using it? And why?

  • Why do you get blue sunrise/sunset pics with a digital camera?

    When taking photos at sunrise/sunset in the middle of numerous shots I sometimes get a blue photo.

    Why does that happen?

    I often take digital photos of the sunrise but every now and then one will be all blue tones instead of the reds and oranges and pinks of the actual sunrise/sunset.

    I find that turning on the flash fixes it and that the pictures will all be the correct colours and yet there is enough light available for the flash to not automatically fire.

    Why do you get blue sunrise/sunset pics?

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • How would you solve the Murray River water crisis?

    The Murray River (longest in Australia) is in crisis with lack of water flows and is drying up. The Murray mouth where it exits to the ocean has been kept open by dredging for the last couple of years. The water level has dropped dramatically and Lake Albert above the barrages is nearly dried out. Many stretches of the river have not enough water for boats due to the lack of water. Water levels have never been this low since the barrages and locks were built in 1938-40. This has been bought about due to drought and over water allocation to farmers and irrigators. Salinity has gone up dramatically and at Goolwa is nearly as salty as the ocean.

    The Federal Govt. have stepped in to manage the States allocation of water rights.

    Is it too little too late? The mighty Murray River isn't mighty any more.

    What would be your solution to restoring the water flows?

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • How can you have negative points in Yahoo answers?

    I was just viewing someones profile and it showed they had 24 points and the Points this week was -14.

    How can you have negative points for the week?

    10 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Do sheep sleep? When and how?

    I recently went bush camping for a couple of days and we were near a paddock that had a mob of sheep in it. During the night I often heard the sheep moving through the paddock and wondered if they ever sleep.

    I assumed they sleep but am curious as to when they slept and how long and if they slept standing up or laying down as I never saw any sheep not on their feet.

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • How do March flies bite?

    In Australia we have large flies that seem to appear for a short time around March and are commonly referred to as March flies.

    When they land on you they bite,

    How do they bite?

    Is it an actual bite or barbs stuck into you or an irritant or what?

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • How does spam email actually make money for the spammer?

    We all get spam in our inboxes and it is a daily occurance. I am intruigued in how do the spammers actually make money from these emails.

    Most of mine gets blocked/side-lined with a spam filter but some does get through to me.

    If I don't click on these (like a lot of people I know) then how do these spammers actually make decent money to make it worth their while?

    12 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What is dry lightning?

    I have read about how a bushfire was started by dry lightning. This is on a day with no rain clouds around.

    What is dry lightning?

    2 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • Is there a non-prescription alternative to Nexium / esomeprazole magnesium?

    I take Nexium 20mg and due to a change in how my doctor will do repeats it is going to cost me $50+ for this script. I have stopped taking this tablet until I have symptons and have found I need only to take one tablet once about every 6 days. I am curious as to if I really need this prescription (and it's associated cost) and can take an over the counter medication instead.

    What I am after is recomendations on what to use? Is it as simple as using Quikeze or Mylanta or something stronger. Or should I just suffer the cost and continue the prescription of Nexium?

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Why do Australian seasons start on the 1st of the month?

    Australians start the change of season on the 1st of the month. Summer 1st December, Autumn 1st March, Winter 1st June, Spring 1st September.

    Many countries (especially Northern hemisphere) start their seasons on the equinox or solstice dates.

    Why is Australia different?

    Did we ever have our seasons dates start mid-month or did the First Fleet dictate the 1st of the month?

    If we started mid-month when did it change to the 1st of the month?

    11 AnswersWeather1 decade ago