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A simple request to anyone who can help me..,.,?

a young friend of mine...who is just really young is in hospital and he has cancer..can you all or as many of you send me some entertaining links of great Piano music as he likes that...some great music that holds faith and hope...but is not mushy...some funny links and some trivia he can look at and have a bit of fun with in hospital? Please no dirty jokes and no gross pictures but something nice..

He is only in hospital temporarily but he has stage 4 please help me to just find something inspirational and some great music that is a bit like Vangelis but he got enough Vangelis...something else..and some great fun quizzes or great pictures to look at...some fun links ...he would appreciate it and i would be grateful to you...and pass it on to him..

Thanks very much all of you who will help me...x

5 Answers

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