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  • help baby name ideas?

    names that have to do with or are inspired by fall/halloween? please and thank you ?

    11 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • What Disney Worlds would you like to see in Kingdom hearts 3?

    ive been thinking about this a lot lately so heres a list of some Id like you see, what are yours


    Princess and the frog

    Sword in the Stone


    Pirates Of the Caribbean(continued)

    Brave (maybe not sure bout Pixar as they have yet to use one in the series)

    beauty and the beast(never felt that their story got a conclusion)

    personally I don't think they (will or) should add any marvel or star wars worlds just because it wouldn't really fit in with the rest of the series. what do you think?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • What Disney Worlds would you like to see in Kingdom Hearts 3?

    ive been thinking about this a lot lately so heres a list of some Id like you see, what are yours


    Princess and the frog

    Sword in the Stone


    Pirates Of the Caribbean(continued)

    Brave (maybe not sure bout Pixar as they have yet to use one in the series)

    beauty and the beast(never felt that their story got a conclusion)

    personally I don't think they (will or) should add any marvel or star wars worlds just because it wouldn't really fit in with the rest of the series. what do you think?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What Disney Worlds would you like to see in Kingdom Hearts 3?

    ive been thinking about this a lot lately so heres a list of some Id like you see, what are yours


    Princess and the frog

    Sword in the Stone


    Pirates Of the Caribbean(continued)

    Brave (maybe not sure bout Pixar as they have yet to use one in the series)

    beauty and the beast(never felt that their story got a conclusion)

    personally I don't think they (will or) should add any marvel or star wars worlds just because it wouldn't really fit in with the rest of the series. what do you think?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • whats your fave. Disney movie?

    mine are Mulan , Pocahontas, and Atlantis , Mulan and Pocahontas cuz they are both about strong female leads that that do anything they can to save the people love. they are Disney princesses that don't need to be saved because they can save themselves. and Atlantis is just an awesome movie.( I don't really care for any of their sequels they kinda ruin the beauty of the first movies)

    9 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Kingdom hearts question?

    so I had all 3 games for ps2 and just got the remix for ps3. my question is is Kingdom hearts 2 on the the disc as well like combined 1&2 then separate chain of memories or is it coming out at a later time? like maybe with kingdom hearts 3?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Kingdom hearts HD 1.5 Remix?

    Did you buy kingdom hearts td? What do you think of it so far?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Parents: how do you feel about your kids using...?

    how do you feel about kids using websites such as Omegle(its a chatting website) knowing that a lot of adults (and teens) go there for cyber sex and to trade nude photos? I sometimes use this site to chat ( NOTHING SEXUAL) and often come across teens (13-17) asking to do these things. and will go as far as to give phone numbers, fb, kik and Skype names. do kids not understand that doing these things are illegal such as making and distributing child pornography and the dangers of giving out things like to to anyone let alone strangers?. if you found out your child was doing these things how would you handle it? how do you feel bout knowing other teens do these things and often don't know its illegal?

    7 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Parents..what do you think of stretched ears?

    What is your oppion on stretches ear lobs? Would you let your teen stretch them? If so what age would you allow them? What's your oppinion on teen that do have them or parents that do allow them? (Personally I have half inch ears and I'm 20, I was just curious)

    5 AnswersParenting8 years ago