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Lv 55,769 points


Favourite answers93%
  • Are there any websites with pictures of people defying "no smoking" signs?

    I want to see pictures of people smoking in front of "no smoking" signs. Are there any specialist websites?

    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • How do I dress as a bully?

    I'm going to a bullies and nerds party. I had some fun ideas for going as a nerd, but I drew a "bully" lot, so I need to work out a bully costume. I want it to show a bit of creativity, but I've drawn a blank so far.

    I've got a black leather motorcycle jacket. Will that help? Any other ideas for clothes and accessories?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Where do i buy poppers in Germany?

    i'm in Berlin and i've been told to buy poppers. Where can i buy them, and how much should i expect to pay?

  • Can I stop harrassment from a cop's son?

    I live in a small town and I'm being tormented by a local gang of teenagers. They use my house as a hangout and a party venue. They take my car whenever they feel like it, and they make me buy their cigarettes and alcohol. I've tried standing up to them, but they just punch me and tell me to do what I'm told.

    I can't go to the cops because we only have one cop in the town, and his son is one of the ringleaders. He and a few others in the gang are on the football team, so they're regarded as heroes. I, on the other hand, am seen as an outsider. I've only lived here for four months and don't have any friends here.

    Any advice?

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What's the most dangerous city you've visited?

    For me it's Melbourne. At a pub, four guys grabbed me, shoved me against a wall and started punching me, and when i fell to the floor they kicked me. Have you experienced a similar attack? If so, where in the world was it?

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • How can bullies hurt me without using violence?

    I keep hearing that bullying can be more than just physical violence. Does this mean just name-calling? I think that trivialises bullying because getting called names is nothing compared to being punched and kicked by real bullies. Can bullies really hurt me without using force?

    15 AnswersSociology1 decade ago