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Lv 31,200 points

Gary K

Favourite answers31%

A 40-something Dad of three wonderful kids, married, hunter and fisherman since before I can remember. Air Force officer recently redeployed from a year in Iraq. Preserve wildlife--use freezer bags!

  • Shed hunting tips and suggestions?

    I've never had much luck hunting sheds. Those of you who regularly find sheds, what advice can you share?

    4 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Actual hunting question: February hunting to-do's?

    A wise hunter once asked "where are the hunting questions?" You asked... so I ask...

    February is coming up quick, one month closer to the next season. What things do y'all plan to do in the near future to get ready for hunting this fall?

    I plan to get a new dozen arrows, restring my bow, and start tuning it up again. What about you? Working up new loads? Scouting? Shed hunting? Planting prep? Inquiring hunters want to know!

    7 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Cabela's Pine Ridge shotgun scopes any good?

    Considering putting one on a 12 ga slug gun. Curious about light transmission and how well they stand up to heavy recoil. Also curious about what folks think of the diamond shaped reticle vs the traditional duplex.

    3 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Gifts for meteorologists?

    What is a good gift to a weather forecaster? $20 price range?

    9 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Creative ways to camouflage a tree stand?

    What creative ways have y'all used to hide your ladder, climbing, and strap-on tree stands? Or to hide your silhouette and movement when in the stand?

    I've told my family no tinsel on the Christmas tree... I'm using it to add limbs to mine in Jan (split in half w/sawz-all... tie to sides of ladder)

    6 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Do bucks on large private managed areas become less wary?

    Back when game rules didn't allow does to be shot, they became pretty fearless of hunters (where I hunted at least). Many times I was flat out spotted by does, but they hung around anyway, not worried about me being a threat. Is the same starting to happen on the large trophy hunting ranches with the young bucks now that taking young bucks on them is basically forbidden?

    2 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Ways to make basement archery range more fun?

    Due to being on crutches for awhile I'm stuck with shooting a bow in my basement rather than outside. Any suggestions for how to make it more challenging and entertaining? Keep in mind, I can only shoot from a sitting position and moving anything around with crutches can be a challenge.

    3 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Will a 4 wheel steering pickup be offered again anytime soon?

    Chevy and GM had the Quadra-steer on the market for a few years, but I didn't get one as I was overseas the whole time. Now they don't make 'em. Will the v2.0 of the Delphi Quadrasteer be on any upcoming pickups in the next few years?

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • The 2009 Silverado Hybrid coming out yet?

    They were advertised as coming out in fall 2008, but I haven't seen any yet...any idea when they'll be available?

    1 AnswerBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • What is the value of a used Ruger Super Redhawk, .44 mag, SS, 7" barrel, excelt cond, w/box, and scope rings?

    Desire to trade in for a used SP101 .357, want to ensure I get a fair deal.

    2 AnswersHunting1 decade ago