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Lv 2319 points

yuri b

Favourite answers26%
  • External Pc power supplies?

    Im looking for an external power supply for my dell optiplex Gx280 small desktop. I need the external power supply to be 300 watts or more.

    Also any websites where i can make a custom made power supply is good aswell.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • How do i connect my wii to a hotel's internet connection?

    I dont have a laptop to share an internet connection and the hotel computer wont allow me to. Is there any way to do this w/o a laptop or comp.

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • How to program Discriminant on Ti-83 Calculator?

    I really need a quick and correct answer please. I just want to know how to program my calculator to solve the discriminant Only in a quadratic equation.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Microsoft/Bill gate Questions.?

    Yeah i was wondering if any one would be able to help me out with some of these questions im having trouble figuring them out. It is for my buisness class in Ms.Renees

    What is the name of Bill Gates's foundation?

    How much money did Bill Gates donate to the The Government of Nunavut?

    How much money did Bill Gates donate to the CARE program of Atlanta?

    How many newborns die annually due to poorly managed pregnancies?

    How much money did Bill Gates donate to accelerate the global effort to create and distribute an AIDS vaccine?

    Who won the $1 million dollar first annual Gates award?

    How many times has Bill Gates been proclaimed the Richest Man in the World by Forbes Magazine?

    How much is Bill Gates worth?

    What percentage of Microsoft does Bill Gates own?

    What is Microsoft stock's all-time high price?

    How much money per second has Bill Gates made since Microsoft went public in 1986?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • My Esc key on my keyboard is jammed need help?

    Please give me a solution to solve this dilema

    Ok basically my esc is jammed and wont come out no matter what so please dont give me tips on how to unjam it. The problem is that its so jammed in that the esc button is constantly pressed. Even when my computer wont start up unless i unplug my keyboard and when i plug it back in the comp just freezes.

    I have already tried disabling the Esc key with Key transformation software and that still didnt work. I dont want to buy another keyboard and i dont want to end up paying any money.

    5 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Software that can beat this game?

    Yeah basically how the game goes is it will ask you to press the number one on yur keyboard the ore you do this the higher stats increase i was wondering if there was any software that would press the number the game ask me to press all by itself without me doing anything. PLease do not make comments on my grammar they dont help me at all i already know my grammar is bad cuz my typing is poor

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can u explain this chemistry formula?

    here is the link to it since i cant really type it on here

    Its saying the reaction formula for lithuim ion batteries but i dont understand what the 1-x means (it might the letter I im not sure) and why are the arrows pointing both directions

    6 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Do chemicals in a battery effect its life.?

    Yeah im doing a project to see what brand of battery works better but i have looked everywhere and i can find anything telling me if what a battery is made of effects how long it last. If it does i'll have to make sure that the batteries i use are made of the same material plus i need to know this for my background research.

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Anybody know of any converter change mp4 files to avi files?

    I would prefer that it converts the whole thing and is 100% free or with a trial. I would also like if it didn't take for ever to convert and is easy to use. REMEMBER this is what i prefer so if it doesnt convert the whole im all right with it or if it converts the whole thing but is slow im alright with it.

    9 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • i'm 13 and want to be nearoligist i know what to study but where do i get the info and where do i start?

    i know i should study math and science but should i start at my own grade level and go ahead. or do i have to start from a specific level of math and science also what branch of math and science should i study last what are good websites that will give me the info i need and any tutorials on how to pursue your career at a young age would be great.

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Im 13 and i wanna be a brain surgeon what should i have background information on?

    i really wanna start learning now where can i get information and what should i read about i would really prefer websites over books

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • i'm starting to pursue being a neurologist by studying background info where should i start?

    im 13 i really wanna be a brain surgeon what should i start stuying and where can i get the information i need if it makes a difference im a boy and live in florida

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • How much do brain surgeons and physicians make in a year.?

    i want to become a brain surgeon or physician which is better, how much money do they make and which will be needed more 10 years from now

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • good anime series?

    i have already seen



    law of ueki

    prince of tennis

    Hitman reborn- my favorite

    melancholy of harui


    rurouni kenshi

    ah my goddess

    my hime

    thats all i can remember no random list and absolutely No YAOI!

    12 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Share Wii friend codes?

    Name: Yuri

    Code: 3956-6966-5846-8626

    I had like 40 miis but my sis deleted all of them so i only have 8 but im working on my collection of miis now

    2 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • I think i have a rash on my face stomach and back but im not sure?

    i have been going to the pool a lot lately this summer and i have been starting to get these things on my skin i don't think there are bumps because they don't really pop out of my skin it first started with my ace and then it starting going to my stomach to my back. I'm not sure if its a rash because it doesn't itch at all and it gets worse every time i go to the pool but that might not be the cause

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago