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goodbye poetry,the darkness?


now it's dark in my mind,the shadows have overcome,

a life of misery and pain isn't my kind of fun.

the enveloping barbed wire,as a noose at the break of dawn,

darkness has overcome the light and i have become the pawn.

my,oh,my, a great new day awaits us,so why did hell begin?

rat traps decayed thoughts may be payment for our sin.

so,when the truth hurts,we all go holler and holler,

life did not only take our souls,it took our last dollar.

now I know,,I see,,I feel it,no I can never win,

you wanted me to finish?now i just begin.

the darkness has overcome the light,yes,you know it,s true,

look straight into the mirror,the darkness may be you..

The Bannibal One. byeeexxx.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago jerk,

    good poem.

    never mind the sheep.

  • 1 week ago


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