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Notice of Determination (EDD) ?

Hello everyone, 

I started receiving unemployment around 4/05/2020 due to covid 19. The last payment I receive was around 09/05/2020. I stop certifying because I was getting paid normally. Recently I received a "notice of determination" stating I am not eligible to receive benefits because I did not provide identity verification and have a chance to appeal. 

I heard about but I never did identify verification because I was no longer Certifying. 

The only thing I am worried about is from 4/05/2020 - 9/05/2020 - The status of my certify history went from Paid to Disqualification. I already got all the money since these was a while back. 

I was wondering if I do not appeal, do I have to give all the money back?  

Thank you!

2 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    You need to ask yourself - what period of time are they asking identity verification for?

  • 2 weeks ago

    You need to register with to prove your identity.

    If you don't, EDD will come after you because of the Unemployment fraud that occurred in California. 

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