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Is Working For An Insurance Company like “Allstate” a good move?

Starting this new job for Allstate and a little nervous about it. Any pros and cons from any insurance sales reps? Or any info from anyone who knows about the field? Money ? Work? Hours? Etc etc 

3 Answers

  • fcas80
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    If you like the idea of selling insurance, then Allstate is a fine company.  If you don't, you would be in the wrong industry.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Insurance companies make billions a year and they pay their employees well and benefits are great.

    You have to be able to sell and you have to be willing work in a tiny cubical surrounded by a room full of others doing the same thing.

  • 3 weeks ago

    I like busting moves thyou muggy and broken 

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