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What is the system of installing solar panels on the roof of the house?

Having solar panels on the roof: if you want to have your system installed on the roof, check its weight tolerance. When your installer comes to inspect your property, they check for such damage-prone areas and suggest re-roofing or utilization of some other space on the property (if applicable). Having solar panels installed on the property is generating and utilizing clean power.

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2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    Having solar panels installed on the property is generating and utilising clean power what a load of rubbish. You have left alot of facts out of where the solar cells come from to start with then the fact they only really make power between 11 and 3 the rest of the time they don't make much. Lots of people are 10 years in and the system hasn't paid for itself I see lots of failed inverters and dead cells around the place what is the world going to do in 25 years with all the end of life cells? What about all the Chinese slaves that get paid 20 cents an hour to make them in the first place?

    I often measure 260 plus volts on the supply at 1pm don't know why the supply authority turns solar off at times do you?

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    100% eco nazi propaganda

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