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Anonymous asked in SportsRunning · 1 month ago

How to run faster?

I would like to sign up for the firefighter test in my city. However, the physical portion requires a 1.5-mile run in 13 minutes or less. The distance is not a problem (I currently run daily for 2+ miles each time), but I run a little bit slow, averaging a 9-10 minute mile. How do I get faster?

6 Answers

  • 4 weeks ago

    do leg workouts. then youll run faster. or just do leg workouts that females do

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    24 Ways to Run Faster — Stat

    Nail good form. The key to running at any speed is to practice proper running technique. ...

    Try interval training. Short on gym time? ...

    Don't forget to sprint. ...

    Make the treadmill your friend. ...

    Stretch daily. ...

    Switch up your pace. ...

    Jump rope. ...

    Trade up for lighter shoes.

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    The article below has some tips. I run 3x a week and what works for me is to make 1 of those runs my "speed work". I either do fartleks or timed intervals where I really push myself for a certain period of time or to a specific landmark, then I slow down and jog/walk for a certain period of time or to a specific landmark. I repeat that for the duration of my run (which is often around 3 miles).


    Strength work is also helpful, especially lower body. I've linked to a couple of articles below, that you may find useful. You can also search on 'how to improve running speed' and 'strength training exercises to run faster' and see what other info you find. 

  • 1 month ago

    How much time is there before the test?  

    If it is less than two weeks away, there isn't enough time for for significant improvement.  The best you can do is don't do a workout the 2 days before your test. Between now and then, cut your workout time to about 50% of your current load this week, and to about 30% of your current load next week.

    If it is more than 2 weeks away, I suggest 200 meter or 400 meter intervals once a week or once every two weeks. If you have time, do hill repeats once a week or once every two weeks for 6 weeks before starting intervals.

    We typically run faster when we are in a race than we do even when doing a hard workout. So, if the test is treated like a race, you already have a good chance of passing.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Squats, Olympic lifts, Med ball Jumps, strength is important and helpful alone, but you have to convert it to power/speed for better results 

    Source(s): You probably have weak legs
  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Pretend you are a liberal and the Walmart down the road is being looted and you need another big screen.

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