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Anonymous asked in SportsRunning · 2 weeks ago

What is the most comfortable running shoe brand out there?

I bought a pair of Nike Air Max Torch 3s a few months ago and they aren't really comfortable. I can't imagine running in them. And I kept them because I figured I needed to break them in. But nope, not what I thought.

Anyway, my sister says Brooks are really comfortable, but I don't want to pay $130 for shoes. I would spend between $70 and $100.


Would rather spend*

3 Answers

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    Comfort depends a lot on your own feet and what you find comfortable. I've had shoes friends swore by as being really comfortable and I found them really uncomfortable, same the other way and it's down to our own preferences and physical characteristics of our feet. The only way to find out is to try them

  • 2 weeks ago

    Obviously crocks

  • 2 weeks ago

    It isn't really a question of brand. It's a question of which model is the most comfortable. And the answer to will depend on your individual characteristics. Of course, I'm assuming the shoes are properly fitted. 

    Pick any major brand. You can likely find models that you find comfortable and models that you find uncomfortable. 

    Go to a store specializing in serving runners. Try some shoes that seem to fit. Run on a carpet, or treadmill if they have one. 

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