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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceSociology · 1 month ago

If a guy isn't married or dating seriously at 41 will he likely remain a bachelor?

He's turning 41 in May.

He's worked as a personal trainer privately and at gyms and has never held down a solid day to day job. He lives with his mother in her house which is quite large so he has the second floor to himself basically. She still cooks for him, he pays his phone bill and his car is paid off he drives a 14 year old SUV.

He's never been married and has no kids and doesn't own a home.

His only serious relationship was with an 18 year old when he was 24, when she broke up with him to move away for her masters degree program he was devastated. She was his dream woman, she plays sports and now has a law degree and is a practicing lawyer. After her it was all cheap thrills. Picking up women from places like hooters, strip clubs, work out classes, yoga classes, dating sites. He would basically screw anyone with a hole, a tattoo sleeve and a facial piercing.

Fast forward to 39 and he finally dates a woman long term for the first time in 15 years. She was 20 and had never lived away from her parents, was extremely sheltered and struggling with off and on anorexia symptoms and unmanaged bipolar disorder. They moved in together after 1 month of dating and things fell apart. She was accustomed to her parents paying for everything, cooking, doing her laundry and folding her clothes and all that and she couldn't handle the responsibility of even paying just $300 a month of the $1600 rent. They broke up after 6 months of dating and he's remained single ever since.

4 Answers

  • Bobo
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Sounds like everyone concerned needs to remain single and avoid the pitfalls of relationships with extremely flawed partners.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    My uncle just got married for the 1st time in his early 50s, so sure this can happen.  But my uncle is a great guy, living on his own with a good career, who just hadn't met the right person. The guy you're talking about sounds like a trainwreck. You don't say what your interest is in this, but stop and THINK.  What kind of man moves in after a month with a girl young enough to be his daughter, and who has all sorts of mental problems?  Did he seriously think this would work?  There are several reasons someone would do this, and none of them are good.  

    Don't put blinders on where he's concerned.  You said he finally dated someone "long term"?  Six months is long term?!  Ish.  He sounds awful.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    You ask alot about a hypothetical man.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    what does it matter to you? if somebody wants to be with someone, they will find a way. even the elderly have dating options.

    if you want something bad enough, you make the changes necessary to make it so. either they compromise, or change their ways to be more "attractive" to others, or something. if not, then maybe they are okay with being alone, if it is a choice between compromise and being alone. there is absolutely nothing wrong with living single. they even made a TV show about it:

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