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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingOther - Pregnancy & Parenting · 3 months ago

Should I just move on?

I'm due in 4 days. He lives in another state right now and I reminded him about the time and the address. He sent me this..."Good day. Momma seriously I'm telling u this now the devil dont want me to come down. And it's really f up. I understand what u saying but I'm mentally going through something right now and I really hate 75% of these people...

As much as I really tried to come down there but the devil dont care about the situation. " He pretty much was talking about his car. I asked him about the train bus or a plane...he told me he's not getting on none of them. My heart dropped. Like I been crying all day. 

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    I understand you have hopesand dreams for youand your baby. Howsoever, your baby daddy is not making you or his baby a priority. Asin, hedoes not care. Otherwise he would hitchhike to be there for the baby's birth.

    I realize it is hard to process, but you need to open your eyes and see this for what it really is... you are on your own with your baby. I suggest you put his name on the birth certificate and apply for child support immediately through he help of a social worker at the birthing hospital.

    After that, do what you can to get a good education so you attract a good man who can speak plain English ~ not ghetto talk.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    When neither of you feel the same way about each other. ... If the feelings are no longer there, it's time to move on. Some of you might linger on in a relationship even though the feelings are gone. Perhaps it has become part of your routine and you don't know what to do once you break away.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    No need to search for an answer...its right in front of you, you just dont want to believe it. People make time for who they want to make time for. If he really wanted to be there he would have made a way. I'm sorry and I hope you have other people in your life to rely on. 

  • 3 months ago

    This isn't the first time you've posted this question.

    You can not rely on him for anything. He's making feeble excuses because he can't be bothered to help. He is useless.

    Find support through your family and consider how you will raise the child alone. Much respect for doing so

  • helene
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    I will never understand why women get pregnant with @$$holes from out of state.

    He doesn't want to be with you. 

    Do not BEG him. Don't say another word to him. Make HIM ask if his child has been born. If he ever does.

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Get a court-ordered DNA test at birth. This can be done with the blood from the cord, the baby doesn't have to be stuck or swabbed. Once it's proven he is the father get child support. Then move on

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    Sue him for child support and move on.

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