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What is the best box spring?

So I got a Serta mattress at Mattress Firm. I still need to get the box spring. I was going to get it at Mattress Firm, but I let my mom talk me out of it (the box spring was over $200 and she wanted me to look someplace else to see if I could find a cheaper one). 

Well I've looked and now I'm confused. This is the first bed I am buying and I had no idea that there were 2 different types of box springs. I could get one through Serta (which is the brand of mattress I got but it is more expensive). The mattress appears to come already assembled, which is like the current box spring I have. Or I could go to Walmart and get a significantly cheaper box spring but it has to be assembled (my cousin's husband has already agreed to help us assemble and move the mattress upstairs so I don't have to pay a delivery fee). 

But I'm wondering, which box spring is the best? Which one will last the longest?

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