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Anonymous asked in Education & ReferenceStandards & Testing · 5 months ago

Is IQ definitive?

Does me scoring say 95 in an IQ test, not an online one but one taken by a professional, make it definitive? Is the number set in stone? Is there no way to increase it? 

I have always believed that my life has been all about breaking limits but an IQ test score would be a limit that i cannot break, if at all it's definitive. I hold an opinion that limitations exist....only if you let them. This is an ideal that acts as a driver in life. I'd lose all my drive and fortitude had the IQ test be definitive.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    IQ scores can vary wildly with some people.

    Try again. Only this time get some sleep and try to stay motivated and focused the whole time. Your score will probably improve.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Yes and no. Intelligence changes as you age. That's likely due to inactive genes being turned on later in life. So, if you're under 18-20, your IQ may decrease or increase later in life. According to the Wilson effect, full manifestation of inherited intelligence occurs at around 18-20.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 months ago

    If it was a widely used test based on the Stanford Binet model, then yes it is definitive.  No. You cannot change it.  College may or may not be in your future.  Your SAT tests will tell you more.  Meanwhile ask to take the Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality Inventory.  That will tell you what type of careers and work you would enjoy.  And finally don't worry about the IQ.  There are lots of folks with IQs of 130 who are worthless bums and lots of folks with your IQ who are happy millionaires.

  • garry
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    95 , depends on the iq test , theres 4 different ones you know .. 95 is average for a 16 year old , mine was 124 at 16 years of age .

  • 5 months ago

    It is never definitive. If you take a REAL iq test, not that garbage you get online, and you do poorly in one of the types of questions, then learn how to do them and that can increase your chances of a better iq. I have a real problem with the number questions, but I keep trying to make myself better at them.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    An IQ test is a test of certain types of knowledge, and yes, a person can learn more and score higher.

    Howard Gardner developed a theory of multiple types of intelligence.

    There is bias in any test. IQ test focuses on math and relationships of geometry. With practice, you can get better. 

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    IQ is inherent. It is simply how your mind is wired and it's not really anything you can do about it however that does not mean that you are incapable of accomplishing what you set out to accomplish. It may take you a bit longer to accomplish certain goals but you can still accomplish them. You can also compensate by increasing your knowledge and becoming more educated. It does not take a high IQ to make living worthwhile. There are so many people with a high IQ that are very miserable, almost seems common place.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    IQ scores can vary wildly with some people.

    Try again. Only this time get some sleep and try to stay motivated and focused the whole time. Your score will probably improve.

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