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Lv 6

why all of a sudden is just one of my contacts coming in spam and not yahoo mail?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    You think that's bad, my father never gets my email and wonders why. I told him that his wife marks my mail as spam and he changed it back, and she then returned it to spam again. So my father and I now just communicate by text messages.

    If you share your email with another person, a sister, a brother, some other relative. You may not be the one that is marking it spam, it could be the person that you're sharing the email with. So the best way to get by this is just use text messaging.

  • Sharon
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Because Yahoo Mail thinks it is spam. Mark it as Not Spam so it goes to your inbox.

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