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how many pictures can a 64gb flashdrive hold?
I have about 4000 pics on my PC will a 64 gb flashdrive hold all of them?
6 Answers
- 4 years ago
Megapixels File size (MB) 64GB
5MP 15.0 3662
6MP 18.0 3050
7MP 21.0 2614
8MP 24.0 2288
I have a 14MP camera too and my 16gb card holds around 2300 pictures, so 64gb could hold around 9200. Yeah, but it does depend on the file size and etc... It's not a direct relationship though, because a 64GB card won't actually have 64GB of space, and nor will a 16GB ... but the 64GB will have lost more than the 16GB.
- 4 years ago
Depends on the quality of the images which will affect their size! A jpg image from a typical DSLR camera ranges from 2-6MB
- Anonymous4 years ago
I have 4000 objects will a 64 square metre room hold all of them?
Depends on the size, resolution and compression of the images.
Select the pictures on your PC and check the combined filesize - if it's less than 64 GB you should be OK.