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  • Why can’t I orgasm from sex or *******?

    I was having sex a few days ago with my new girlfriend and couldn’t achieve orgasm, i was struggling to stay hard while inside her, when she was giving me head, I was able to stay hard but still couldn’t even get close to orgasming. I’m not gay because I pre *** just from kissing this girl and when she gives me a handjob I’m able to *** no problem. Should I see a doctor?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Symptoms of brain tumor?

    What are the common symptoms, I think I may have one...

    5 AnswersCancer4 years ago
  • What happens after death?

    I'm terrified of dying, what do ya'll think happens?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care4 years ago
  • Smoking problem?

    I smoked weed for the first time yesterday since Christmas day. I smoked I small sized blunt and a king sized joint and got HIGH ASF 😂 I was sitting on the couch in my friend's house and it felt like gravity was pulling me inside the chair, my whole face and body were tingling and I kept laughing uncontrollably. Do you ever hear people say that you will never get as high as you were the first time you ever smoked... Well I just disproved all those "sayings" cause this was probably the highest I've ever been. Problem is I just woke up and I have possibly the worst headache I have ever had In my life. Could someone please tell why this is cause I'm having a really hard time trying to convince myself I don't have a brain tumor

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care4 years ago
  • Sex problem?

    Had sex for the second time in my life yesterday, I'm 16 by the way. Anyway I'm not gonna go into detail but we were in missionary position and she started screaming like crazy so I stopped and she said it hurt to much so I said let's try doggy and it was going pretty well but after maybe 3 minutes in she starts screaming again complaining about the same pain. My penis is 7 inches + but that surely isn't big enough to hurt a girl. She's tight but she's not a virgin.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Do I have good genes for sports?

    My dad is Nigerian and my mom is white, I was just wondering because my dad is black would I have a little bit of an edge athletically due to having a black parent. Please don't take offense to this question I was just wondering because I'm aware that black people are gifted athletically.

    2 AnswersMen's Health4 years ago
  • Is my penis done growing?

    My penis is 7.2 inches erect and has a 4.5 inch girth, I ve just turned 16.I hit puberty at 11 and was able to *** by 13. The first time I measured my dick i was 13 and it was 5 and a half inches erect. I was just wondering if it s done growing cause my length is good but my girth is terrible tbh. Also this is a genuine question so please don t say I m lying about my dick being 7 inches because it is. This question is purely just to know if it s done growing cause I hate my girth.

    2 AnswersMen's Health4 years ago