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why is it that people who are interoverts think there is something wrong with them?

Everytime I look on psychology and people seem to believe they must be nerds or abnormal to be is a whole list of famous and people in history who all were introverts and some of them have made some great contributions to the world, I am an introvert's not the same as being shy..and there are only two types of people...extroverts or introverts...there is nothing wrong with either..just look at who is or was a famous introvert and tell me if those people are geeks or freaks...that is a big misconception and one should not be ashamed of being an does not mean to be a recluse or rude or not liking other people, or not being able to make great friends...I hope when some people look at who are famous introverts...they will see that these people doen't even appear introverted to most of us...but they are still introverts...and most of us would not have guessed...

Here Albert Einstein a famous introvert...Eleanor Roosevelt...Helen Hunt..Harry Potter author J.K.Rowling...David Letterman, Al Gore..Clint Eastwood..and more...

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Hi Vera,

    I'm not keen On Carl Jung's ideas, I would prefer when using these terms

    to use something like a ( variable into-extrovert,) because most are quiet

    different & vary in other situations they find them self in.

    Therefore I believe the term (( Varavert )) would be better if I added this to

    Carl Jung's Collection of labels & ideas.

    Great Question Vera!

    Good Luck.

    Best Wishes.

    Mars Mission Soon In A Galaxy Near Yours..


    Studies & My two cents worth.

  • 9 years ago

    Hi Vera

    How are you?

    not heard from you in quite a while.

    I hope all is well in your life?

    anyway with regard to your question, well i think i am an introvert as well...but it does not mean I have no interests in things and people...also I am quiet by nature but it does not mean I don't like to talk or have an opinion on things etc...when I am in the mood I can really talk.

    when I was a kid people started referring to me as the living dead...of course when I heard that's what they were calling me I could have died from the embarrassment alone...if I remember rightly it was one of my sisters who mentioned what people were saying about me and as I said it really brought me down and I felt even more self conscious than before.

    I could suddenly started talking non stop in order to inspire them to start calling me a loud mouth, but no i continued to be me and eventually it stopped.

    I remember one time I was with a group of friends and we all went to one of their houses to watch TV.

    anyway my friend's older brother was in there with his friends and as soon as he saw me walk in I heard him say and loud enough for everyone to hear, here comes he comes!

    the living dead is here.

    and as soon as i heard that i burst into tears and ran out and sat and cried.

    my friend's brother ran after me and apologized and said he had not intended to hurt my feelings it's just that he wishes i would talk rather than just sit and stare.

    I used the opportunity to tell him its not that i can't talk rather it was because i was shy and very self conscious and that was why I rarely spoke.

    part of the reason i was Self Conscious was because my sister used to tease me about my voice and used to call it a monster voice because my voice broke early and was very deep and I guess she found it difficult to accept and so used to put me down which was a wrong and damaging thing to do.

    I feel sure she wouldn't do that now if we were young again.

    well i hope she wouldn't.

    Source(s): personal experience.
  • 9 years ago

    Negative thinking being told their not how people should be in life.

  • Gringo
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Greetings's my introvert joke....drum roll LZ

    My buddy told me he got kicked out of of the hotel for peeing in the pool. I said ..........whats the big deal, lots of kids pee in the pool.......He said ........from the fourteenth floor..............

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