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Lv 4
? asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 9 years ago

What's the worst thing someone has said to you?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    "we wont treat you. sorry." my doctor who i went to see after I moved, after having me wait three weeks for an appointment, has me show up only to tell me, after all that time, that because of smoking pot months back, they wouldnt treat my chronic pain. Even though I said i was only using it then *because I had no medicine.*

    Why was this the worst thing? Because I was on Oxycontin, and had been for the last year prior. And the only day they could get me in...was the day I ran out. he couldve looked at my chart any time in those three weeks. He didnt. And he refused to treat me.

    See, this is horrible but here comes the big one..I have a sensory processing disorder, part of my high-functioning autism. In my case, its a tactile problem...a hyperactive nociception system. This means everything, litereally everything, causes me phyiscal pain.

    So i went through withdrawl from my lack of medicine, which was actually for a different problem..And the full blunttness of the sensory processing disorder slammed back into me.

    I dont remember much after that. I couldnt brush my hair because gripping a bhandle hurt my palm. I couldnt type on a computer, because tapping the keys made my little fingers hurt. This was the last time I ever honestly considered suicide, but of course, I knew I would choose not to.

    The best way to describe the pain..imagine if everything you touched was made of steel wool covered in medicinal alcohol. Including yourself. Thats what it was. And thats why it was the worst thing anyoen had ever said to me. No one single string of words has caused me so much hell. I cant prove it, but it also started my panic disorder.

  • 9 years ago

    Had an emergency C-section. My baby girl had ARPKD (genetic kidney disease) and died seven days later.

    A week later, I zombie shuffle into the coffee store . Chick told me to smile. It's a blur, but I seem to recall crying in her face.

    But that's not the worst - I was asked several times as I tried to venture out, keep going. . . Are you expecting? Yeah. That felt f*cking AWESOME.

    PSA, folks - don't ask a lady if she's pregnant unless the baby is falling out before your eyes.

  • 9 years ago

    That my sister looks like a monster.. But I have since forgiven the person who said that.

  • 9 years ago

    People chanted "burn the witch" down the hallway towards me. One kid threw water on me that was supposedly holy water. I am in no way a witch.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    That i'm not allowed to see my sister anymore

  • Adnama
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    "F*ck you" when I got in an argument with a college roommate

  • I am a lesbian and when my mom found out she said, "I would rather have a dead kid than a gay kid."

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    That I have aids

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