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What can I do to become an organ donor after having read about Helene Campbell double lung transplant?

Hi, I want to be an organ donor, I have a health card that says that I am an organ donor but I want to be sure this is enough..I am from Canada like Helene Campbell this 20 year young woman who raised awareness of the important of organ donation...She suffered from a deteriorating lung disorder and would have died but a donor was found for Helene who campaigned for this on twitter and all over the internet...her story made headlines and even celebs and Ellen de Generes got to hear about it and I do hope that Helene's body will not reject those new lungs and that they are a new lease on life for her and that she has a healthy and happy and a meanigful life in front of her..

What can I do to make sure I am a legitimate organ donor...I am from Ontario, Canada...Like Helene?

Would you become a donor if you were in a coma and no chance to ever get better if you were severely brain damaged or if you died but your organs could make a differnce to save another human life..would you donate your organs or would your religion or your opinion about organ donation make you hesitate to do it?

I most definitely am 100 percent sure I want to do it if somethingt shoud happen to me...Anyone who knows how to become a legitmate organ donor in Canada, please let me know..because I have doubts that my health card that reads ''donor'' is sufficient and if something happens to me I would like to see someone as young as Helene get a chance at life if I was braindead or dead anyhow...

Do you think Helene's story will make more people aware of the necessity to become organ donors?

What are your wishes and hopes for Helene after watching her video and hearing her story...?

She is a fighter and she fought for her life.. I believe she is an incredible young woman. She is brave and courageous. x


Driver's license sounds good but I HAVE NO DRIVER' S LICENSE...I CAN'T good idea but this is not an option for me...x

Update 2:

Driver's license sounds good but I HAVE NO DRIVER' S LICENSE...I CAN'T good idea but this is not an option for me...x

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Over in Australia we have it printed on our drivers license Vera.

    Or you could let the next of kin your wishes.

    Good On You For Donating!

    Good Luck.

    Best Wishes.

    Mars Mission Soon In A Galaxy Near Yours..


    Studies & Organ Donor.

  • 9 years ago

    Only after your dead.

  • `
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You are so sweet :)

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