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Folks , what do you know about your ancestors?

Lol, don't get fresh with me, I didn't mean our ''ancestors the apes'' I mean how far can you trace your family history back and what would interest you to know. On Fridays there is this TV series about some celebs who check out their ancestry '' who am I? '' but they get a lot of hints to go to the right places and research with some expert help.

Is it more or less true that the story of our forefathers or ancestors makes us all or almost all either multicultural or at least leads us to different countries...I am sure in no single family if one could trace ones family history back would a person's ancestors all have been born in the same country. Definitely not Americans as your forefathers or ancestors must have come mainly from Europe.

I had the opportunity to ask my grandmother a lot but I don't know enough. My paternal grandmother was born in 1895 ..there is a lot there that I would have loved to ask her. My mothers mom died young of pneumonia in her early 30's so that I never met my maternal grandmother but my maternal grandmother was Anna and my mom was only 5 years old, she doesn't know if she was Swedish or Finnish but she did speak Russian.

I know that my paternal grandfather's name was Samuel Suter and he came from a tiny place in Switzerland but my father forgot from which part.

My mother was born in a part of Germany that is now part of Poland and the name of her birth town has now a Polish's the same name but in all atlases it's found written there in Polish. I might wish to go and see where my mom, her brother, as well as my maternal grandfather and Grandmother were born. That will give me some kind of closure to see where my grandfather grew up and my mom and uncle and her mother Elizabeth who died in her 30's of pneumonia and is the grandma I never got to know.., even if I know everything must have changed drastically after WWII and I don't speak Polish.

How interested are you in your ancestors and what would you like to find out if you could...

The farther one can go back and more information one has, the better and the more interesting it is...It holds a fascination to find out more who I am through those who have been there before me and are my ancestors...x

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    There are 3 immigrants from Switzerland named Samuel Suter in the 1910 census. Is one of those your grandfather? Do you know what year he was born? There are also several family trees, some with a Swiss origin, others English. Is one of them yours?

    Do you have any questions about your ancestors?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The tendency to make correlations, real or fake, between activities is an element of how our brains are under pressure. think of for a minute approximately each and all of the tips enter we are surrounded by utilising, noises, sensations, ideas, factors of interest, and so on. there is not any way we are able to hold or technique that quantity of tips, we'd must be supercomputers. rather, our brains bite tips mutually, throwing out what it does not understand to work out as correct. regrettably, this is not extraordinarily choosy approximately particularly reason and effect, if 2 issues take place on the factor of one yet another in time, it is sturdy adequate for the ideas to act as though they have been related. bigger theory techniques enable us to take those groupings aside and reassemble them in procedures that do mirror particularly reason and effect, yet that's a found out technique. many of the earliest superstitions contain issues that effect group survival like having a helpful hunt or adequate foodstuff to get interior the process the wintry climate. If an athlete can grow to be severely related to donning a definite pair of socks because of the fact he wore them the day we won a definite opposition, the how lots greater probably is it that a human beings ought to grow to be related to something they took place to do (or not do) the 300 and sixty 5 days that they survived a famine or plague and their neighbours did not?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Congratulations you have provided enough information to allow Id. theft as well as violate the guidelines. This is not a chat site. If you are interested in researching your ancestors suggest you take class, many genealogical societies offer them, as well as public libraries and Family History Centers. You could review some of the many video on the site. You might also check on a membership in your local Genealogical or history society.

    You will probably find that there are not many who are as interested in your family as in how you performed your research.

    I taught myself, over 30 years ago and accidentally found my local genealogical society. I didn't even know that there was a specialized field for the research I wanted to do. This was long before Ancestry, and Computerization.

    Source(s): Genealogical researcher 40+ years, retired instructor.
  • 9 years ago

    I've been able to trace my family back to the 10th century. They were both Dutch & Scottish royalty. Once you find royalty in your family, it gets easier & easier to keep going back.

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