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I think I've had a stroke but I'm uninsured and poor. What can I do?

I live in Austin, TX, and I am new to the area, so I don't even know what kind of assistance is available. All I know is that I couldn't afford the most basic medical care right now, let alone the MRIs and other expensive tests necessary to confirm this. And I would pretty much have to go to a hospital ER to be sure the right diagnostic equipment is available, which is incredibly expensive. There's no way I can do this, and I have no one who can help.

And before anyone asks, yes, I am sure of it. Though, to be more accurate, I've probably had an ischemic attack. I've had small ones before. My only concern is that I may still be bleeding this time.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Unfortunately, if you're bleeding into your brain, I think the only option you have is to go to the hospital. Well, that or don't go and die.

    I think you should go.

  • 1 decade ago

    Austin is the state capital and will have all the up to date equipment. I'm not sure why you would think else wise. Texas is as up on things as every other state is. Go to the nearest hospital that has a shock trauma unit like Presbyterian or a Baylor if they have them there. I know these are both in Dallas, but any teaching hospital will be fine. These are also known as center of excellence hospitals. Texas is not a medicaid state, but they do have alternatives and will work with you. It's not your fault if your sick, you certainly did nothing to cause this. Tell the ER doctor about all symptoms and that you've had ischemic attacks before. These are important for them to know. The best way would be to call an ambulance and go from there. The paramedics must transport you and then the hospital must diagnose you. Good luck and God Bless

    Source(s): nursing experience and lived near Dallas from New York for 9 years now.
  • 1 decade ago

    In the past, Brackenridge Hospital has been known in Austin for indigent care (emergency care for those who are unable to pay). You may be able to get help at this facility.

    Also, Austin is very fortunate to have People's Community Clinic (, which is a sliding scale medical facility.

    I would recommend that you seek attention at one of these locations RIGHT AWAY!

  • 1 decade ago

    i would go to the local welfare office are even ask someone in admitting at alocal hospital about amy agencies that give medical care to the poor usally every county has one but your income has to be almost nothing to qualify

  • Bree
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You have two options.

    Get your butt to the ER NOW

    Or die.

    It may be expensive, but you'll have to worry about that later.

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