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Firefox text size issues?

i have gone to tools options advance and selected my text size desired and unchecked the 'allow page to choose their own font size'

When i open a page it briefly displays in the text size i want, when the ads all finish loading, it snaps back to tiny text size. I've checked the settings a couple times, restarted firefix etc.

Also, my F11 key does not toggle to full screen view, i have to go up and do it under view menu.

Any ideas what is going on?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    When the ad scripts run, they're changing your settings.

    Go to tools>add-ons and get NoScript

    Surf to the url you want

    The page will look odd with a lot of empt add boxes and html script code, but your text setting should be right

    In the NoScript bar at the bottom of the window click options.

    You can temporarily allow each listed url one at a time till you find the culprit(s)

    Click the options button again and forbid the url you just temorarily allowed

    Lick the reload icon to check it.

    Once you've gone thru all the urls & forbidden the culprits, go back and permantly allow the urls that are still temporarily allowed

    At first, this will be a lot of clicking, but as your lists of allowed and forbidden urls grows it won't happen very often.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    suited click on your information superhighway Explorer Icon on ur pc. click on homes On widespread Tab - non eternal information superhighway innovations, click on Delete Cookies and Delete innovations In history decision, click on clean history

  • 1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Adds text size buttons to the toolbar. you can use this Text size toolbar 0.6.2.

    If any case you need any help online you can get it from here


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