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Answering questions - error message 999?

Whenever I answer a question and include a link in either the answer or the source, when I hit submit (after preview) i get error message 999 (sorry, can't process, try again later, check your firewall, settings etc)

I left one message on preview for the whole day and came back and hit submit and still got the same message. It has been happening since yesterday.

Is it just me? Is something going on in the system? Did some setting on my computer change?

All the links I have been trying to use today have been links to other yahoo questions with appropriate info to answer the question. Usually to a link of the exact same question asked earlier.


this is a new problem as of 12/30. it never happened before.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    obviously some of the links do cause that

    the only way to get around it, is by posting your answers

    and immediately hit the edit button and put the links in afterwards

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I commonly write my solutions in word and then replica and paste them and that i've got no longer had that situation. it must be a glitch because of the fact Yahoo has been misbehaving right now for me too. I have been given the 'solutions Unavailable' message while i became attempting to place up in the previous, although I see my solutions did positioned up.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a way around this problem.

    ◘◘Answer the question

    ◘◘Under the answer, click "edit"

    ◘◘Post the link into the "sources" section.

    This should work; it is another one of Y!A's glitches.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wish I know the answer to your question. Unfortunately, I don't. Sorry. I have not encountered a problem like yours. Anyway, I wish you a Happy New Year.

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