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Do most programs run with Vista?

I need to get a new computer. Will the following software work with vista or do i need to replace it? Thanks for your help - i know some of it is old. I'm a small business and can't upgrade it all!

Broderbund Print Shop 12

Paint Shop Photo Album 4.0.3 (dell edition- can i install on a non-dell?)

Paint Shop Pro version 8.10 (dell ediiton -- can i install on a nondell?)

microsoft office 2003 (word, powerpoint, excel, outlook)

Thank you!


is the xp compatability mode an add on or a standard thing that will come with any computer?

3 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    check out ~

    2 very good Q&A's type sites

    will answer all your vista query's

    xp compat comes with vista

    hope this helps

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    99% of software that runs on XP will run on Vista.Personally I haven't found any program that didn't run on Vista.Even some win98 programs I was able to install them! I'm not sure if the Dell versions will run on a different computer but you can't use an old computer forever cause of the software.You upgrade your computer every 5-6 years even if it's still working to catch up with the same with your software/peripherals so you can enjoy the new computer with a more capable and powerful software

  • vulcan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    All the above will work in the XP compatibility mode

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