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Why was my question removed?

I posted a question in lawn and garden. It didn't get any answers. It was a pretty specific question, I know that perhaps no one could answer it. But after two weeks it was removed and I did not get a notice or anything that it was being removed. I have seen other questions languish for much longer with no answers. How do they decide when to remove a question?

4 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    An open question will always expire when it reaches it's expiry date.

    A question, by default expires in 4 days. A user can however extend it to 7 days.

    When a question expires, it enters the Voting Stage, in the "Undecided Questions" group.

    If you haven't received any answer and the question expires, your question is automatically deleted and you get your 5 points back you have used to ask the question.

    This is why your question was removed.

    No need to worry, it was not a violation.

    Edit: A mistake here.

    The only time points are returned when a question is removed is if (1) it gets answers, (2) it goes to voting, (3) the voters choose No Best Answer. When all those things happen, points are returned when the question is removed.

    ✷- -βέšƭ Ѡĭŝħέš- -✷


    Source(s): Yahzmin (US)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The official rule is if no one answers in four days the question is deleted. Sometimes they stay up longer but that is just a glitch. I have seen three questions today each with one answer and all voted on. They are all tiebreakers. glitches everywhere at the moment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't know but there is an answer to every question... if i were you i would just keep repeating the question until someone answered it. First off, you will get the answer you were looking for and second of all, you will irritate probably the one person that deserves to be irritated- the jack@$$ that took your question off to begin with!! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    well im your firsat anserer lol they take your quesstion off after a curtain amount of time espeicailly if you aint got no replys well ithink its becuz of the question u ask are unda a certain catagorie and not much people anser unless its short and dramatic lol good luck any way x

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