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Mark C asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Why do some people clip their nails at work?

I sit on a floor in NYC filled with cubicles. 2 people near me like to clip their finger nails at their desk, usually at their lunch break. I find the noise to be disturbing and quite frankly, it is just plain rude and disgusting. Just about every job I have had, there is always someone who has to clip their nails at work. Don't get me started on the guy who used to clip his toe nails at work or the people that ride the subway and clip their nails. Am I the only one who finds this unnacceptable?


Ha ha! Part of the problem besides bad parenting is the fact that they sell keychain nail clippers. They should be banned!


Update 2:

To Edoedo...

That is kind of a stupid reply. I am having fun with this and not calling the Rude People Police. This is the right place for this kind of question. Plus, if someone is in their car and picking their nose, it does not affect me and they are not in my space or in communal space. People can do what they want in their own privacy and space. Now go clip your nails at your desk.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I definitely know what you mean. I too live in cubicleland and it seems as though people WAIT to come to work to clip their nails. As though they sit at home watching them grow and then think their little "cubbies" are their private bathrooms or something...oh, and then the echo of each little "clip!"....."clip!"

    It is totally gross and very socially unacceptable. I once worked with this prissy girl who was so uptight and "every hair in its place" type and then (in a very open office space) walked past her one day with her foot up ON her desk, shoe and sock OFF digging into her toes. EWWWWW.

    You are not alone, friend :)

  • _
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It is gross. It's a personal hygeine "chore" that should be done in the privacy of their own home over a trash can! It's so nasty, but I've had teachers who would paint their nails and clip them during class too.

    There's nothing you can say about it... it is their lunch break. Do you sit on the floor? Or a chair? Because if it hits you on the floor, you should move!

    They can't possibly be that busy that they have to clip their nails at work or on the bus. I think maybe they established a long time routine and it's hard to break.


  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you 100%. The man who sits across the hall from me clips his nails at work. And he's an attorney! How difficult and time consuming could it POSSIBLY be to clip your nails at home while watching TV or before getting in the shower? WHY do you have to do it at work? It really is gross, and the noise--omg the noise--to me is like finger nails on a chalk board. "Snip. Snip. Snip." (shudder)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, this is very unacceptable at work, on the subway, etc. anywhere but home! I think I'd talk to a supervisor about making them stop. It's gross. How would they like it if you picked your nose?

  • edoedo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They probably got bored so then clipping their nails at works.

    but lot of them doing that but you will have to live with it.

    I bet there something you might make them feel uncomfortable when you doing something else too.

    you will have to face many thing that are unacceptable

    what can you do about it?

    are you going complain to people put their finger in their nose while they are driving their car?

    so live with it.

    Source(s): Okay, Mark C , go get some chill pills.
  • 1 decade ago

    no, that is rude and unacceptable. either say something to the person or bring it up it HR. home grooming should be done at home. if it needs to be done during the day, they could at least go to the bathroom.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gross, gross, gross! I can't even stand to hear the little clipping noise. Grooming is to be done at HOME!

  • 1 decade ago

    Many people in the US have NO manners at all.

    You could slip them a note about professionalism and manners.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they suck

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