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    Are Spain and Portugal literally the one country?

    Okay before anyone calls me stupid, I know that Portugal and Spain aren't the same country and they speak Portuguese in Portugal. But are both literally the sane country but just have a boarder to split the two nations?

    5 Answers10 months ago
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    Is two weeks enough time to visit both Spain and Portugal? I'm just super excited about this trip it's overwhelming! Lol.?

    Favourite answer:

    It's enough time to see 2 cities - but you won't see the whole of the 2 countries as well.

    From Lisbon it's certainly feasible to do a few day trips, likewise Barcelona; but think about how much time you want to spend on trains moving around, and how much time actually spending doing / seeing things

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    I am travelling to Portugal? Where should I change my money? At the airport or while I am in London?

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    Never change it ahead- exchange places in your country are going to charge you a lot more. You have to check with your bank about what the charge will be to use the ATM. And notify them in advance. I have one debit card where the bank doesn't need to be notified, and one where they want to know exactly what dates I'll be in which countries. It's ALWAYS cheaper to take the money out of an ATM than to use currency exchange places- they have to charge to pay for their facilities and the employees.

    7 Answers2 years ago
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    Travelling alone, some tips please ?

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    Britain hasn't officially left the EU yet. You don't need a visa.

    Don't take cash. Use your debit card. Do call your bank. I have one bank that i don't have to notify and one that wants to know the exact dates I'm going to be in every country. You don't want to find that your bank has cut you off- but if they do, call them.

    Airlines charge money to change your flights. You can do it if you're willing to pay the penalty.

    6 Answers2 years ago
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    Things to do in Lisbon?

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    You speak Portuguese? The Portuguese love people from other countries to know .... You can go to clubs, meet the Portuguese

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    Things to do in Lisbon?

    Favourite answer:

    Take something suitable for walking in the Rain. Shoes for your feet. Weather suitable jacket.

    A hat or Umbrella.

    INSIDE a museum or other thing it does not matter it is raining outside.

    There are museums, markets, historical sites, restaurants and other stuff in the city.

    Do what you want. Dress for the weather.

    Shall I just list out a dozen places to eat and the names of three Museums.

    Museu da Água

    Get a day pass for the bus and train, A quick ride to get out of the rain from one stop to the next or just ride to explore keeping the feet dry.

    Some tram lines are an adventure to ride.

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    should I move back to England or stay in Portugal?

    So my mom is moving back to England but my dad is staying in Portugal and they're asking me who I want to live with. I'd rather go with my mom but that would mean giving up everything here in Portugal, any advice?

    7 Answers2 years ago
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