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  2. Pregnancy & Parenting
  3. Trying to Conceive

Trying to Conceive


  • How should I react and feel?

    My husband and I will be using donor sperm to do an IUI in hopes to get pregnant any day now once I get a positive ovulation reading. He told me just today that he doesn’t feel it’s that important he be there for the procedure that if he has to work the day we do it he would rather get his sleep. It makes me a little emotional and upset he would be thinking this way. I get we aren’t using his sperm. Yet, to me it will still be his baby. I would think he would want to support me and be here for me throughout the whole process. 

    4 Answers2 weeks ago
  • Is it possible to get pregnant through ivf if you are a virgin?

    Can you be a virgin and have a baby through having ivf or do you have to be sexually active to have this procedure?

    3 Answers2 weeks ago
  • Why am I not getting pregnant? What can I do to increase possibility ?

    I am 18 my partner is 25 we have been trying to have a baby for about a year now and nothing happens. I’ve taken the fertility test and try and do it when I’m ovulating and nothing. Went to my obgyn got pab smear , stds ,  hsg test & transvaginal ultrasound and everything came out normal. Now she’s asking for a sample of my bfs semen I don’t think that’s the issue he has a set of twins and a daughter. What can I do to increase pregnancy or what’s wrong with me. 

    8 Answers2 weeks ago
  • Evaporation line? ?

    So i took this test and it was negative. checked back later and it has a faint half line. Just wanted to reconfirm that this is an evaporation line right ladies? Haha

    2 Answers3 weeks ago
  • Adult only: What are some of the must try pose with your partner?

    Which are the safe to try ones? I don't want to break anything while trying.

    2 Answers3 weeks ago
  • Trying to conceive ,should I take a pregnancy test?

    Took a test five days before my period cause the test said it was accurate five days before and it came back negative .

    My period is two days late now I don’t have any cramps or period symptoms , would it detect anything or should I wait a few days?

    4 Answers3 weeks ago
  • Evaporation line or faint positive? ?

    Hey guys, just wondering if you guys think this looks like an evap line or a faint positive?? I’m undecided. Thank you in advance 

    3 Answers3 weeks ago
  • Just curious if there is any form of testing to detect PCOS? ?

    Is there any kind of test to detect PCOS? My doctor told me back in September I had PCOS but didn't do any kind of testing,just told me to do the keto diet. 

    I have heard yes there are test to detect PCOS and and I also heard there isn't,but ever since I have been taking vitamin d vitamins. My cycles are becoming regular. I'm just thinking if my cycles are regular now since the vitamin d vitamins are helping. 

    I have read lack of vitamin d is lacking of many health conditions. Don't know how true it is!

    Does the keto diet treat PCOS at all? 

    3 weeks ago
  • can I take a ovulation test while on depo provera?

    Hi I'm wondering can i take a ovulation test while im on depo provera im done depo on April 12th i haven't had much experince with ovulation test ... since iv been on birth control for 6 years. but id like to start my little family here soon .

    or do i need to wait for when my period comes back ?

    3 Answers3 weeks ago
  • do you/did you always notice cervic mucus on/near ovulation days?

    I’m currently trying to conceive and tracking my ovulation days. The last couple months I’ve been taking basal body temps and according to those temps, it looks like I’m ovulating. But I can’t help but notice I don’t see any cervical mucus (when I wipe) near my ovulation. And it’s frustrating me! Usually they say when you wipe after peeing you will see cervical mucus on the toilet paper but I haven’t been seeing any the past couple months and I’m worried. My periods have been regular also. 

    For you moms out there, have you notice a lot of cervical mucus when you conceived? If you did, how did you check? Did you have to reach up to the cervix? I’m so paranoid. I really want to have a baby. I’m 29

    1 Answer3 weeks ago
  • Why is it so hard to get pregnant?

    I’ve known my ex for 7 years now. About two years ago, we’ve been having unprotected sex. We had sex two years ago on day 12 and 14 of my cycle. That’s ovulation days. I thought I was pregnant but I wasn’t. I got my period about two months later. That was disappointing. 

    We did it a few times before that. No pregnancy. 

    So we did it again about 2-3 weeks ago. We did it on day 12 & 14. Again no pregnancy as I have started spotting again. Yesterday I saw the spotting so I’m really disappointed. 

    I have been overweight throughout my 20s. My BMI has been 25-26. So I hit the overweight line. I’ve lost 5kg. I’m trying to figure out if there is anything wrong with me as I’ve heard horror stories of women trying to conceive and aren’t able too. I have a vaginal ultrasound and I don’t have PCOS. My periods aren’t completely irregular. Do you know what could be the reason? Me and my partner smoke cigarettes. But he smokes weed too. 

    8 Answers4 weeks ago
  • Ladies? I have an ovulation question!?

    Yesterday I was dry down there my period ended 4 days ago today it’s the afternoon now and I’m feeling wet is it ovulation day or is it in a few days? When is the right time to conceive please any advice ???

    3 Answers4 weeks ago
  • I need help ASAP!!!?

    Me and my husband had been trying to conceive and I started taking metformin, he left for a business trip and you could say I had an affair with another man... he came inside and now idk if  taking a plan b will affect my fertility.. I just stared the medication a week ago btw

    1 Answer4 weeks ago
  • can a men get pregnant?

    the period has stopped and i have never had the wizz bang before, i am a vergen. i have a feeling i am pregenent? i didn't think mans could get pregenent but my period is very late.

    5 Answers4 weeks ago
  • What to look for when choosing a donor for IUI?

    My husband and I are seeing and infertility specialist. We will be doing IUI with donor sperm. We think we found a good match. Only thing is it states the donors motility is 30. Is this considered good? What are some other things besides medical history should we be looking for? 

    1 Answer4 weeks ago