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Does this one sister really have a say so?
My daughter recently gave birth to our family's first biological great grandchild. Both my parents are still living and my mom is over the moon about it. Well, with covid still present a few family members have all decided to chip in and watch the baby during the day after my daughter goes back to work from maternity leave instead of her putting the baby in a day care. Me, being the granddad, my oldest sister (my daughter's aunt and the baby's god-mother), and my mom, the baby's great-grandmother have all decided that we will alternate keeping the baby during the day. One of my other sisters doesn't want our mom to have to deal with the baby because my dad doesn't get around well these days and our mom had to tend to him during the day. She gets him up and dresses him then he sits in his chair all day until she gets him ready for bed. Yes, that's a full time thing for her but once dad is up and in his chair he's set for the day. My sister thinks that will be too much for my mom and is adamant that she not keep her great grandchild. No, we're not talking that the baby will be at her house 5 days a week. Maybe one or two at the most because both my other sister and I work from home so we have the ability to be here with the baby. My mom is fine with this arrangement and is looking forward to keeping her great-grandchild a day or two each week. My other sister keeps asking me what the arrangements are once my daughter goes back to work and I tell her it's between me
5 AnswersFamily2 weeks agoWould you dispute this charge?
This weekend my wife and I rented a small U-Haul truck to pick up some new furniture we had ordered and to take our old furniture to my daughter's place. I rented it for a total of 6 hours be we didn't need that much time. I paid the rental of about $86 for the U-Haul and then about 4 hours later we returned it. The guy at the rental place said to bring it back full of gas since that's how we picked it up. Before we took it back I stopped at the gas station a few miles from the U-Haul store and topped off the tank. We had used less than a quarter of a tank of gas so it took about $12 to push the needle past full again. This morning I checked my bank account and noticed that the U-Haul place had charged my card an additional $2.29. Gas prices in our area are $2.67 for regular unleaded so they are apparently charging me for less than a gallon of gas. Would you dispute this charge? I'm about to call the U-Haul place and ask them what the additional charge is for. Again, the tank was full when I returned it but I guess it wasn't full enough.
5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance2 weeks agoHow can I owe a balance when I've not even used C.C. yet?
Several weeks ago I applied for a credit card and was approved. The card came a few weeks later and I've probably had it activated maybe 2 weeks. This weekend I received a statement from the CC company saying I owed $75 even thought the beginning balance was showing at zero dollars and I've not even used the card. How is it I owe bill and the card has never been used?
12 AnswersCredit2 weeks agoWhy don't people like to be corrected?
Side note: No matter what you do in customer service, you're always wrong and the caller is always right, according to them.
I work for a large medical company providing free medication for patients who qualify for it. We get tons of calls from patients and doctor's offices all day long. Typicall when an office will call the person will say "I need to check on a several patients" or "I have 3 patients I need some updates on." That's fine because it let's you know how to steer the call. Today a woman from a doctor's office calls and says, "I need to check on a patient." I helped her with the patient then gave the standard company closing. She then says, "wait, I have another one I need for you to check too." My response to her was simply, "for future reference can you please let us know at the beginning of the call how many patients you're checking on?" She said "well you didn't ask." My response was simply, "well, you also didn't tell me either." She said a" patient, meaning 1. Nothing in her statement would prompt me to ask how many do you have. Yes, we've had some offices call and want you to check on 15 or 20 patients in one call and we just can't tie up the phone lines for that many patients at one time. Of course she thought I was being rude and demanded to speak to someone else. Which I politely put her back in the queue. I wasn't as much correcting her as I was advising her to let us know at the beginning of the call how many patients you have.
Etiquette3 weeks agoHow long should it take to order parts?
I had my truck at a Meineke shop for a minor problem last Fri and they told me they needed to order a part. I went in and gave them a $90 deposit for the part and they said it would be in on Mon. Monday came and went with no phone call from Meineke. I called yesterday to check status and the girl said that the part should be in later that day and she would call me. Again, no phone call. Today I just called and they guy said that the part still hasn't come in but he was going to check. Well, the girl said the same thing yesterday. How long do you give a repair shop to order and get the parts before you request a refund?
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 weeks agoDo I really want to sit here with you all day?
My wife has this thing to where once she gets off work she likes to sit on the sofa and watch TV until time to go to bed. But the problem with that is that she expects me to want to do the same thing. We're both working from home and she gets off before me so from the time she gets off until the time I get off she is constantly walking in the room trying to talk to me. Well, now that the weather is getting warmer I don't wan to just sit here. I want to go to the store, go see my parents, and grandkids. Things she doesn't want to do. I recently re-set up our fish tank and I've been going back and forth to the store for things I forget. So I told her that I needed to run to PetSmart for a part for our pump. My daughter came over and asked me to meet her at Walmart later because she was buying a larger TV and it wouldn't fit in her car so she needs me to put it in my SUV and take to her place. Chances are I'm going to have to set it up for her as well. Yesterday when I got off work I ran to the store to get something for dinner. So when I told her I had a few errands to run she seemed to get a little annoyed. She made the comment, "you sure do have a lot of places to go." Yep, I do not want to stay cooped up in the house all day. Last week she broke a tooth eating some cereal and has to get a root canal later this week. She expects me to stay home with her and baby her because she's in some pain and discomfort.
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce3 weeks agoWhy do women have to make hypothetical questions difficult?
This morning \I was listening to a radio show and a girl wrote in a letter about her now husband being pulled over by the cops. Long story short, she found out that he use to be a gigalo years before he met her and had to do community service for the arrest. A late 20s guy spending time with women 50 and up. The girl was wanting to know what she should do knowing that her husband had slept with so many women. I posed that question to my wife in a comical sense asking what would she do if she found out I was a gigalo servicing older women before we met. Her response to me was, "well, why wouldn't you tell me?" My reply was I'm sure there are some things in your past before you met me that you haven't told me but am I really to get angry over something that happened before we met. She then got on the defense stating that she would have to think twice about me knowing that I kept that secret from her. I reminded her that not everything is a secret and some things need to be taken to your grave or even, some things we forget about until something sparks that memory. She's still upset thinking I'm now keeping secrets from her. Again, this was a hypothetical question. In your dating lives, have you each sat down and told your partner EVERYTHING you did in your past so there are no secrets? That's impossible to tell someone EVERYTHING. Why couldn't she just have some fun with this hypothetical question without turning it into an argument?
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 weeks agoWould you do this at someone else's house?
For several years now my wife and I have been discussing getting new living room furniture because the sofa and loveseat we have I've had since my daughter was a baby and she'll be 25 this year. We took care of it and so it's held up pretty well. We recently started looking for a new sofa and loveseat and found a really nice set that has powered headrest and powered recline on both the sofa and the loveseat. We purchased it and I told my wife that I do not expect anyone else to be reclining on it but us. All the kids are out of the house and when they come to visit they can sit down like normal folks without pushing buttons to recline the seats. She feels that if the object of the sofa and loveseat is to recline then why not let people recline. I said that people come to visit not relax. Her dad bought her mom one of those massaging chairs and I told her that when we go visit her parent's she doesn't jump in the chair and turn it on so why would any of our kids feel the need to recline on our furniture simply because it reclines. When you go to someone's house do you use their furniture like it's yours? If they have a fridge that has the built in ice maker and water dispenser on the door would you just willy nilly start using it? Or if they have one of those fridges that is a smart fridge with the tablet on the door would you just start pushing buttons to play with the tablet? Probably not. Am I wrong here?
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 weeks agoDo I need permission from my wife to watch my granddaughter for an hour?
As many of you know my daughter gave birth to my first biological granddaughter about 3 weeks ago. Mom and baby have gone home after her c-section so it's now just me and the wife here. As you know, we're both working from home right now. Today my daughter text me asking if I could watch the baby for about an hour so her and her roommate could go a mile down the road to the nail salon and get their nails done. She doesn't want the baby in there with all the fumes and things. I told her sure. I also told her I go to lunch at 1. She said she'd feed and change her prior to them arriving and that she'll probably sleep the entire time. Typical newborn stuff. When I told my wife that the baby would be coming over for about an hour this was her response.
"I know you like to jump and say yes to everything your daughter asks so she can do this and that but how long do you think she'll be gone. It can't be all afternoon because we gotta work. I assume your lunch break is at 1 but how will this work once you/we are back at work and she starts crying or needs a diaper change?"
Last I checked "we" aren't keeping her, I am. She's 3 weeks old not 3 years old running around getting into things. Now my wife's sons, my step-sons, can come multiple times during the day interrupting her and it's not an issue. But when my daughter comes by then she's now all of a sudden worried about "our" jobs.
Do I really need her permission to watch my granddaughter for an hour?
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 month agoHelp me understand what I did wrong here?
Today my wife and I were fixing our lunch. I was boiling some soft boiled eggs and she wanted hers hard boiled so she took a separate pot and put two eggs in some water and started to boil them. My eggs were in another pot. I walked to the bedroom then a few minutes later I walk into the kitchen to check on my eggs so they don't overcook and when I looked at her pot it was boiling over. Apparently one of her eggs had a crack in it and the whites of the eggs were now cooked and boiling over the pot. I told her in a calm voice, "your eggs are boiling over." She's working from the kitchen and so she turns and looks at the stove and says, "well, what do you want me to do?" I said, "the common sense thing to do would be to get up and come check on your eggs." She got all bent out of shape with me like I was trying to tell her or demanding that she do something. Maybe it's a woman thing where they don't want to be told what to do especially by a man, but I wasn't running around frantic like the house was on fire. I just told her that her eggs were boiling over. I just find it funny that she looked at the stove then said "what do you want me to do? So now I feel like I'm in the dog house because her eggs boiled over. What did I do wrong here?
26 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 month agoName change: Who knows the origin of this?
I was wondering if someone, anyone, could help me understand the origins of this practice. I work for a medical company as a customer service rep and we get a ton of calls from patients, especially spouses, calling for their husbands. When you ask them for their names a number of them will always give their husband's name as, Mrs John Smith. That's not their name, but their husband's name. All they're doing is giving the feminine prefix on the name. Who's the origin behind that if anyone can provide it?
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 month agoJob related question: Does this deserve to be hung up on?
I work for a very large medical company and we're on the phones all day long with patients and doctor's offices providing free medication to those who qualify for it. We are bound by HIPPA regulations and are limited as to what we can say and to whom we can say it too. I guess one of my biggest per peeves is someone calling me about a patient and they are on a speaker phone. I don't know who's around them so when I give out patient info I would rather it be with the person I'm speaking with and they have the phone up to their ear. I got a call this morning and a woman was calling about a patient and you could tell she was on a speaker phone. Papers were rustling and her voice was trailing in and out like she was walking away from the phone then yelling back at it. I politely asked if she was on a speakerphone and she said yes. I then asked her if she didn't mind picking up the receiver because I wasn't comfortable giving out patient information on a speakerphone where someone else could possibly hear. I didn't know if she was in an office with others listening or home in her bedroom with other family members close by. Yes, she could have been alone but I wasn't willing to take that chance, again, HIPPA regulations. When I asked her she then hung up the phone. Was this really worth being hung up on?
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 months agoHow is this an inconvenience to her?
Let me start of by saying that YES, I have discussed this with my wife, extensively. Many years ago when our kids still lived at home we purchased then a fairly cheep dresser to put their clothes in. In the boys room was a dresser with 4 drawers in it. Same as in my daughter's room. Well, my daughter's dresser broke but the one in the boys room has held up. I've reinforced it with a few screws and some glue along the way. Now that we're empty nesters my wife had decided to put some of her clothes in it. Clothes that she hardly wears anymore. Now that my daughter is weeks away from giving birth to my first biological grandchild we have been setting up one of the rooms as a nursery. We've been cleaning and getting rid of stuff to prepare for the baby. We purchased a crib and moved a bed into the larger spare bedroom to make it a room for our 4 year old g-baby and the new baby. We have a ton of clothes for the new baby but my wife refuses to move her clothes out of the dresser so we can use it for the baby. In cleaning out the room we're also cleaning out the closet and I told my wife she could put her things in the top of the closet. She feels that's an inconvenience to her because now she's gotta look in the closet for her items instead of opening a drawer, Again, a 4 drawer dresser and she is using 3 of them for clothes she hardly wears. That means we've gotta pack all the baby's things into the one drawer. I never asked her to get rid of anything, just move
4 AnswersFamily2 months agoExpectant mother question??
My daughter is currently in the last few weeks of her first pregnancy. Every doctor's appointment up till now has been normal and the baby was growing as expected. Yesterday she had another dr's appointment and when she came and told me about it she said that the doctor wants her to possibly see a specialist next week because she thought the baby's femur looked small. I've never heard of that and how can they tell that from an ultrasound? I told my daughter not to worry about it and it was probably just how she was laying. I'm not a tall guy and neither is my daughter's mom. Neither my family or my daughter's mom's family have any genetic abnormalities and neither does the baby's father's family. Is this something to be worried about?
4 AnswersPregnancy3 months agoWhy are Republicans so reluctant to going against Trump?
If you were selected to be a juror on a case and the entire time while the evidence was being presented you were reading a magazine, scribbling doodles on a piece of paper, sleeping, or talking to other jurors the judge would probably hold you in contempt or even dismiss you from the trial. However, this is the very thing the republicans are doing during the impeachment trial for Trump. Their minds are already made up that Trump was not responsible for anything that happened at the Capital on Jan 6th so they aren't even paying attention. I think I heard that some even got up and walked out. Are they that concerned about their political futures until they don't want to upset the base and those Trump Republicans? The evidence if overwhelming but they refuse to look at it. They've already made up in their minds they are going to acquit. Why?
9 AnswersPolitics3 months agoWhy does she always suspect something?
My wife is one of those who no matter what the situation is she's going to always suspect something else is going or may be going on. I was at my daughter's apartment yesterday dropping off the gifts from her baby shower this past Sat. She got so much stuff until it wouldn't fit in her car so I put it all in my SUV to drop off. My daughter's roommate is a nice girl who has a 5 or 6 year old autistic son. He's a very sweet little boy but he is completely non-verbal. He only makes noises. Well, I'vee been knowing this girl a little more than a year and when ever I see the little boy I'll wave at him or give him a little hug, something like that. Autistic kids don't really warm up to people they don't know that well. Anyway, while at my daughter's he walks out of the bedroom and stand next to me. The next thing I know he reaches up and grabs my hand. I go behind him and put my arms around him to give him a hug. When I do he lifts his feet off the ground and I start playing with him. I honestly thought it was the sweetest thing because he's never done that before. When I got home and told my wife what happened she looked at me and basically said, "oh, is he thinking you're his daddy?" She gave me the side eye like maybe I had gotten the girl pregnant and had secretly been hiding this kid from her. She knows how to ruin a very sweet moment.
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 months agoSexism question: Should a dad just stay in his place?
I'll try to keep this brief. many years ago I got full custody of my daughter when she was about 2 yrs old. Her mom and I went through a bitter custody fight and I was deemed the more fit parent. She's now 24 and is about to give birth to my first biological grandchild. I have been over the moon about it. My daughter's mom hasn't been the best of parents down through the years. She has 6 kids total and none of them live with her. 2 of her kids are several states away with other relatives and in the past few years her mom got hooked on crack. My wife and my daughter's mom don't get along. My wife and I have been together some 16 years or so. With my daughter being pregnant she and I have always been close. She comes tells me about every doctor's visit and I would do anything for her. She even wants to come stay with us the last week or so of her pregnancy just to have someone drive her to the hospital when she goes into labor AND she wants to come back to our house for a few days after the baby is here because she's a little nervous about having a newborn. Yes, she has her own place so she's not staying or moving back in. 4 years of college and my daughter's mom visited her all of 3 times. Now, my wife feels that the birth of this baby should be the moms place. If I drive my daughter to the hospital then I'm going to be the one holding her hand in the delivery room. The baby daddy is several states away right now.
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 months agoDo you save contacts in your phone?
Several years ago my wife and I joined a new church and they immediately put us to work. We're on several committees and I have been asked by the pastor to be on the deacons board. Our church sends out emails and text messages to keep its members informed of church events and special occasions like member's birthdays and things like that. In an attempt to get to know and remember these people when I get the emails about members birthdays or about someone sick or possibly a death notification I'll put that member's name in my phone. Again, I'm trying to get to know the members on a first name basis. My wife doesn't. She rarely saves anyone's numbers or rarely sends out a birthday text or condolence message. I'm not saying she has to but I think it's just common courtesy. When her b-day came around she got a ton of texts from other church members and she didn't save anyone's number. We'll be talking and I'll ask her if she saw the text from whomever and she'll normally say, "Who?" Or we'll get included in a group text and she won't know who sent it or who else is in the group. She doesn't see the importance of saving people's name and numbers in her phone but she's always asking "whose number is this?" My wife doesn't make friends easily but I feel like she's not really trying either. Am I wrong to think that in certain settings you should save people's names and numbers in your phone whether you chat with them on the regular or not? Or is it just something I do?
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 months agoWhy does she need my company's equipment?
Both my wife and I are working from home. I'm a phone rep with my job and she's not with hers. For the past year I have had my entire workstation in our bedroom taking calls and dealing with patient's and doctor's offices. My wife works in the accounting dept on her job. No phone calls whatsoever. Well, yesterday my job sent me a new desk phone and headset to set up because I was having issues with my phone. I set everything up this morning and started working. My old equipment was sitting on our bed. She walks into the bedroom and asks me if I have to send the stuff back. I told her no I didn't have to send it back but I'll just take everything back when we go back into the building. No telling when that will be. She picks up my headset and asks me if she could have that. I looked at her and said no. Then she got an attitude about it. It's one of those Plantronics headsets but my workstation has the hookups for a phone and headset, hers does not. Again, she doesn't even take calls nor does she make them. Why did she get an attitude when I told her she couldn't just use my company's equipment for her own use? She must have though it was mine to keep. It wasn't.
1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance3 months agoIs typing the same as talking?
I talk to patient's and doctor's offices all day every day and when I get off work the last thing I want to do is sit and talk to her about things I don't care about. Something her boss may have said to her or something another employee did on her job did. She hates it when I can sit and email back and forth with my sister all day long. I see my sister about once every 2 or 3 weeks but I see my wife daily and I just don't want to sit and talk to her the minute I log out of work. Today she walks in the bedroom where I'm working and jsut stands there behind me. I was between calls so I was playing on my phone. I turn around and she's just standing there. Again, just standing there saying nothing. A little while later I was typing an email to my sister and she comes back into the room and says, "wow, you really have a lot to say to your sister but nothing to me after you get off work." Typing is not talking last time I heard. How much conversation does a couple need to have in order to stay connected? We've been together almost 20 years and I just don't need to be in constant communication with her from the time I get off work until the time we go to bed. We'll be watching a TV show and she'll turn to me and say something like, "what do you think will happen next?" My response usually is something along the lines of "just watch it and find out." then I go back to watching the show. She takes typing is equal to verbal communication. She doesn't have any female
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 months ago