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Nothing much about me but I love the sport of boxing because I grew up with the sport and have a lot of knowledge for it. Thinking about pursuing a career for the sport in the future if I can.

  • Is boxing section(here) of Yahoo! Answers dead?

    I remember several years ago when I used to post a lot of question here, I used to see the top answerers/contributors like Galactus177 and teodor give very thorough and well-thought answers to many hypothetical/fantasy boxing match-ups. Now, I don't see anyone here at all.

    2 AnswersBoxing3 years ago
  • If White American boxing fans really cared about a "Great White Hope" in Heavyweight boxing, then why haven't any of them ever celebrated...?

    the Klitschko Brothers dominating the Heavyweight Division for nearly a decade(mid 2000s-early 2010s)?

    I noticed how some casual fans and promoters are obsessed with race and having another "Great White Hope" World Heavyweight Champion yet we had that already with Wladimir and Vitali Klitscho yet none of them(not even White American boxing fans) gave a rat's *** about them.

    They might as well rename their expectations to "Great White AMERICAN Hope" if their idea of a "Great White Hope" is a White man from the US, winning all the World Heavyweight Boxing Titles.

    3 AnswersBoxing3 years ago
  • Do you think the closest thing to All-time great Native American/American Indian boxers, aside from Henry Armstrong, are...?

    a few Latino boxers from Latin America?

    Since it seems like Native American boxers are almost non-existent, with Henry Armstrong(Top 5 All-Time Great P4P boxer) being only Half Native American according to his biography. As for Latinos, people need to realize that Latino isn't race. It's an ethnicity composed of multiple races, with Mestizo(Half White, Half Amerindian), American Indian(full-blooded) and Mulatto(Half Black, Half White) being the most predominant racial groups of the Latin America region. For instance, Carlos Monzon(Nationality: Argentinian), who's a Top 4 ATG Middleweight boxer, looks pretty racially American Indian. Ruben Olivares(Nationality: Mexican) who's another ATG boxer, looks like Indio-Mestizo(Someone who's racially mixed with White European to some degree but more predominantly American Indian).

    1 AnswerBoxing3 years ago
  • Are many people really this delusional enough to believe McGregor has a chance against Mayweather...?

    in their upcoming boxing match?

    Many blind MMA and McGregor fanboys/n*thuggers truly believe McGregor can KO Mayweather in a boxing match and keep pointing out McGregor's short amateur boxing background as their "proof" that he stands a chance against Mayweather in a boxing match, lol. I'm no Mayweather fan but let's be real. Do you really think an MMA fighter with only maybe a couple of years of amateur boxing experience and no pro boxing background stands a chance at all against a fighter who's been boxing since he was a toddler, won a Bronze Medal in the 1996 Atlanta Boxing Olympics(which many believed he was robbed of the decision in his Olympic semi-finals match), professionally boxed for nearly 21 years and won world titles in 5 weight divisions(with 4 of them being lineal championships)?

    It's obvious that most of the people who actually believes that McGregor would win this match are either pea-brained hardcore MMA fanboys or just Mayweather haters who have been badly wanting to see Mayweather suffer a loss for once for a very long time, no matter how many times they stupidly end up wasting their money on Mayweather's PPVs and tickets to only be disappointed.

    4 AnswersBoxing4 years ago
  • What are your thoughts on this video of a woman deliberately harassing a...?

    father in front of his child, over being on food stamps?

    As much as I disagree with public welfare and corporate welfare or welfare in general, I'm still considerate and wise enough to believe that there's a fine line between disagreeing with someone over what they believe or do and being a complete dick/c*nt about your world views towards other people by sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

    3 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Is it possible to still like the college major you're trying to aim for but hate the rigorous amount of required work that comes with it?

    I'm a community college student and I have a passion for technology, computers and video gaming, which all obviously requires a lot of math and some science. However, I hate school work in general. I always feel that people either are naturally intelligent by birth or aren't, which is the case for anyone who tries out college to see for themselves if it's for them.

    I've been in community college for almost 3 years(should have transferred already two semesters ago in the Spring, since I had an immediate major change after my very first semester as a freshman). I still feel like these 3 years of community college have gotten me no where, especially since I'm struggling with one of my classes right now(Biology 181) barely passing it with a low C. On top of that, I have to juggle my work schedule, extracurriculars and school schedule all around. adding more weight on my shoulders. Maybe I'm just learning it the hard way that college probably isn't for me.

  • If you were me, would you quit your job if it's nothing but full of toxic negativity from co-workers and supervisors, along with...?

    poor management?

    I work as a package handler at UPS and literally almost everyone hates their jobs there, even some of the supervisors. I ask a UPS Package Delivery driver at my hub/work location, who occasionally helps out the package handlers before driving, and eve he recommends me to either just only stay working here at UPS til I graduate college (since I'm a college student) so I can take advantage of the reimbursements benefits they offer or just quit and find another job that pays as good as UPS and offer me as much nice benefits.

    And I honestly thought being a driver for UPS would be less negative and better than my position but I guess not.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Been working at my current job for only 2 months and am already considering quitting. Will this make me look bad when...?

    I look for another job?

    I've been working at my current job as a UPS preloader for only 2 months and I've already just had it up to here with the idiots in management there. I'm already having a bit of difficulty getting along with one supervisor(who's your typical douchebag UPS supervisor). He's already threatened to fire me before peak/Holiday season if I don't meet up his unrealistic work pace for unload. Not only that, he had the audacity to insult me in front of many other co-workers by singling me out with my work pace I've been loading at for the past couple of days because apparently, he thinks it's cute to do so. He also keeps holding my 90-day probation status over me, thinking that will intimidate me even more because he's a supervisor and all.

    At first, when I started working for UPS as a preloader, I honestly didn't think it was gonna be this bad until many co-workers of mine who've been working for UPS for nearly a decade have been telling me how much they absolutely hate working here.

    Will this make me look bad to other employers when I soon quit this job or will still do fine as long as give them a good and reasonable explanation?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Is not voting at all for the 2016 US Presidential Election ever a bad and dumb choice for me to make?

    Whenever people think of others who refuse to ever cast their votes in any election, they think of them as uneducated and lazy people who are the problem of this country. Well in my case, I'm the complete opposite of those. In fact, I'm very well educated in US government classes in my high school and did every research I could with all the candidates that were there (before we now ended with only Trump and Clinton). I've tried as far as figuring how I could vote for either Rand Paul or John Kasich when I never received any ballots for the earlier runners.

    If either of those two, along with Bernie Sanders were the frontrunners right now, I wouldn't have had any problems of casting my vote at all for this year's election but no, instead we only get Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

    Goes to show how retarded my country has become.

    2 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Are any of you long-time boxing fans hearing the very sad news about Muhammad Ali being currently on life support right now...?

    for respiratory problems?

    As much as I wish I am being delusional of this but that's the news that I've been hearing lately of the great Muhammad Ali.

    8 AnswersBoxing5 years ago
  • Do you think it's possible in today's era of boxing, for a Middleweight boxer standing between 5'9-5'10, with the talent and skills of...?

    Roberto Duran, to be a dominant Undisputed Middleweight Champ, then move all the way up to Heavyweight(with all of today's era Giant Heavyweight boxers) to win at least one of the world alphabet Heavyeight titles while still possibly maintaining some of his strength and power up to that weight division surprisingly well the way Duran was able to from Lightweight to Middleweight?

    I'm just curious since today's boxing era is still pretty dull. Manny Pacquiao is clearly past his prime now and needs to retire as he has nothing more to prove(even before his expected loss to Floyd). Floyd has already beaten everyone that he can possibly beat so his career at this point, is now just meaningly to continue on so he needs to retire as well.

    The only thing exciting about boxing today is Gennady Golovkin/GGG and Andre Ward(at least for a long-time die hard boxing fan like myself. The Heavyweight division is still in sorry @ss shape with no decent enough competition(especially with Wladimir slowly declining and his brother, Vitali being retired) and there's still very little to no boxers of any weight division with ATG-potential(Andre Ward and maybe GGG are the only definate boxers with that potential). The majority of today's supposed rising boxing stars lack the previous generation(from the 1930s-2000s) boxers' heart and discipline.

    5 AnswersBoxing5 years ago
  • Worst Heavyweight champs and title challengers tournament, which of the following do you think will win?

    1) Chris Arreola vs John Ruiz(He may have been a WBA World Heavyweight Champ but the WBA is a complete joke of a corrupt boxing organization and should never be considered a World Title Belt)

    2) Jess Willard vs Primo Carnera

    3) Bruce Seldon vs Marvin Hart

    4) Pete Rademacher vs Lee Savold

    5) John Finnegan vs Jem Roche

    1 AnswerBoxing5 years ago
  • How do you think Tony Ayala Jr's pro boxing career could have really turned out if Ayala wasn't such a batsh*t crazy psychopath who...?

    had no self-control or even remorse when he attacks women outside of boxing and violently lashes out at another boxer out of anger(Robbie Epps) for knocking him down after a round was over?

    Like how do you think Ayala's career could have really turned out if he allowed himself to live up to his full potential with all the talent that he possessed and avoided all the legal troubles he's been getting into through out his whole life?

    3 AnswersBoxing5 years ago
  • Who do you think would win, Rubin "Hurricane" Carter vs Tony Ayala Jr at 160, 15 rounds?

    I figured after reading an article where Ayala Jr once met Carter during his prison time, I should ask this question here.

    2 AnswersBoxing5 years ago
  • As great as Sugar Ray Leonard is, have any you long-time boxing fans ever felt that he always comes off as a phony and an opportunist...?

    as a person?

    This is not to take anything way from the great legend, Sugar Ray Leonard but sometimes, I've always felt that some of his accomplishments such as his victory over Marvin Hagler and Danny Lalonde, are overrated due to his shady negotiation practices.

    When you look past SRL's nice guy personality, you can tell that something isn't just right. He's always seems to be afraid to give out his honest opinion and intentions whenever he commentates a boxing match and he made his boxing career to appear greater than it actually it is at the expense of other talented boxers of the 1980s(Donald Curry and Marvin Hagler).

    People in this day often bash Floyd Mayweather Jr for his trash talk personality, pulling all of the rigorous negotiation crap on certain boxers(Shane Mosley, Manny Pacquiao, etc.) and "running" in his boxing fights when Sugar Ray Leonard did about all of the same exact things(with Marvin Hagler regarding ridiculous negotiations and "running" during a fight) Floyd did and was the very first person to do these crooked things yet no one bats an eye or ever bashed Sugar Ray Leonard for it. I'm not even much of Floyd fan but at least he was honest about his intentions and didn't hide anything unlike Sugar Ray Leonard. I don't allow my dislike of a certain boxer to blind me from seeing their actual skills and abilities unlike all of the Floyd Haters.

    Again, this isn't to really take anything away from Sugar Ray Leonard.

    2 AnswersBoxing5 years ago
  • Should I do a study abroad program even if it doesn't really relate to my major?

    I'm a community college student who is a trying to transfer to a University to major in Software Engineering. Right now I've been actually considering doing a 1-month study abroad program for this upcoming Summer. Over in my community college, there are 5 countries that I can pick to travel for study. The two countries that I'm interested in traveling are England and Ireland but I'm no so sure since most of the classes that they have don't quite relate to the field that I'm trying to major. However, I have been told that having a Study abroad experience does make myself look more marketable to employers when I find a job after coming back to the United States.

    2 AnswersStudying Abroad5 years ago
  • Agree or Disagree: Complete Censorship ruins America and our freedom of entertainment and creativity?

    I can understand censorship when it comes to preventing children from getting traumatized of watching something too gruesome and disturbing for them, blocking a footage of an actual baby or small child getting tortured and killed or if it s a Hate Propoganda that affects other people s basic human rights (Racial supremacy, Gender Supremacy, Anti Semitism, etc.) but censoring some man or woman on live TV for speaking his/her mind (rather than just stating things that only what the government or most of society wants to hear) or censoring a lot of things in R-Rated movies and M-Rated video games (because it was "too violently and sexually offensive" to certain people) just contradicts what makes a country like the United States a great one.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Is this a bad idea for me to do this with my future plans?

    Thinking about dropping out of college after this semester is over, to take a short gap break just to get everything with my future life plans settled first and then re-enroll back in once I got everything settled with my life to make things easier for myself. I've been passing most of my classes while struggling with some and then end up dropping them for the sake of preventing my GP from being tarnished. I work at a job that isn't very time management friendly with my other schedules and I'm trying to find another job that's willing to give me a full-time position or at least more hours.

    At this moment with my current semester, I'm just taking only one Math class, which is Plane Trigonomentry and I still haven't passed a single test in that class while getting great grades on all my projects and good grades on most of my HW assignments. Right now, I work a 19-hour per week part-time job an just applied to a seasonal/temporary job to make extra money to pay off all my bills after spending money on Christmas gifts for my family. After that, I'll probably try to get a regular part-time job with that temporary job so I can work two part-time jobs and gain some more work experience while I may be taking one semester of college off to get a bit of a break from it. However, that doesn't mean I'll stop myself from trying to get my degree in Software Engineering.

    Am I stupid for making all these decisions and is it a bad idea for me to do this?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Do you think a great trainer guarantees a great boxer?

    For instance, Eddie Futch is often regarded as one of, if not, the greatest boxing trainer of all time since he's produced so many world champions and talented fighters. However, many of the greatest boxers have started off their amateur and pro careers with unknown boxing trainers.

    3 AnswersBoxing5 years ago
  • Boxing fans, what did you think of the MMA fight between Ronda Rousey vs Holly Holm(fomer 3 division world boxing champion)?

    As a long time boxing fan who also appreciates MMA for what it is, I thought this was the greatest thing I've ever witnessed(to see a boxer just outright demolish a Judoka MMA fighter who's lacks class and respect for most of her opponents. Goes to show how helpful boxing can really be in MMA. I honestly got fed up with the hype over Ronda Rousey and our fellow former world female boxing champ put in end to the overhyped BS of the loudmouthed blowhard RR. Sure, Floyd Mayweather is also a blowhard and still never suffered his loss(and unfortunately never will) but at least he shows respect to all his opponents after beating them.

    4 AnswersBoxing6 years ago