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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 week ago

If we can convince Yahoo to leave this site open for one more day, can we convince Biden to keep protecting Afghans against the Taliban?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    America entered Germany and Japan during WW2. Still there!

    Still in Iraq!

    In Kosovo!

    In Syria! 

    Feast your eyes on the cost of just 2 - Japan and South Korea!

    America has got a arm and a leg in practically every country! Embedded in a military base!

    They cost an arm and a leg!

    Opportunity galore to keep tapping American tax payers for more generous handouts. 

    To keep them *safe* of course!

    Safe from ET - ET will undoubtedly win!

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    That is a MYTH,  the U.S. stays where ever it can get a foot hold.

    All it is, is training for weapons systems to sell. Or aggression training for when they are needed at home to suppress the opposition Party and people.

    It all started with gun grab around the "Blackhawk Down" period.

  • 1 week ago

    You don't need to "convince" Biden of anything if you can just figure out how to hack into his ear piece.

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