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New Dance..goodbye....?

Dance New.

Walk with me past the beggars,

the trash and the useless scum,

The scorned of society,envisioned,

as the dirt they are,spat upon.

Wearing worn shoes,differing views,

thrown away like yesterdays news,

Walk with me,hide reality from your eyes,

laugh at misery,like most too proud to cry.

Forced upon derisions,fairy tales,

burned into fancy incisions,

Criss cross across the heart of man,

glamorizing Hell in a brand new day,

Shoved down your throat mentality,

now set off in a Fourth of July blaze,

Purple haze,school daze,

Now's the time we all pay.

Pay a visit to yesterday,

all this hatred did not exist,

Soak it up,laugh in Paradise,

blow it up,leaving a mist.

A mist of ghosts,lunchtime hosts,

as God watches dead bodies roast,

All this killing of souls and we gloat,

finishing it off by sharing a toast.

have this dance with me,take a chance with me,,maybe romance me.

who do you really fancy? as you hide under your covers.

covet lovers,empty cubbards,just humanity's blubber.

When others starve,who put you in charge?

Save some time for me,I am waiting.

who am I?

The Bannibal One..byeee.

1 Answer

  • 1 week ago

    Very good old chap.


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