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Anonymous asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 week ago

if Derek Chauvin trial gets a hung jury,,,then what? how likely? and can he get the current trial overthrown due to Maxine waters? how?

what BLM is going to do then if there is a hung jury? riot anyways? why?

5 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    If found not guilty, they can charge him on lesser charges and possibly gain a conviction.

    BUT, the 'natives' are restless and demand BLOOD.

    Yes they will riot. Make Portland and Seattle look like a schoolyard brawl. That's why the national guard has been called in and requests for additional LEO's from surrounding states too.

    They KNOW what is coming.

    Anyone in that area might think about bugging out to a safer area far away until the riots are quelled.

    Floyd may likely have dies from his drugs and such (suicide).

    HELPING that suicide under the guise of training is assisted suicide.

    USC Title 18, section 242 comes to mind with respect to the cop.

    TRAINING does not circumvent the law.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    It takes only one person out of 12 to hang a jury. A retrial is highly likely if the hung jury is based on one or only a a few people. The higher the numbers the less likely a retrial. There is no chances of a mistrial based on the comments of congresswoman. Politicians often make comments. If the judge overturns the verdict just based on that, it will be reversed on appeal. 

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 week ago

    Times like these makes you realize that it doesn't pay to own your own business.  You work so hard to have your own store and then

     BLAM, looted for no reason other than the fact some ppl want to get stuff for free by hiding behind a movement.

    A pet store would be a good business to own during such a situation.  I would let the pit bulls loose and welcome the looters.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Either way, the trial won't defund the cops.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Take a Xanax and wait and find out 

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