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Are you aware that traitor trump CHEATED for The USA’s 2016 presidential election?
I am SERIOUS. I have proof that the Electoral College was RIGGED in 2016 by the wealthy 1% republican party’s elites. I HAVE PROOF.
5 Answers
- PhoenixLv 61 week ago
Well, you'd better present that proof now, because the YA clock is counting down its last hours.
- ?Lv 61 week ago
For The USA’s 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton WON the national, popular vote.
Meanwhile, trump cheated for the votes for the Electoral College. The republican party’s elites RIGGED the votes for the Electoral College. (I HAVE PROOF!)
traitor trump was an ILLEGITIMATE president!!
Does ANYBODY care about this?!?
Source(s): website> Nationalpopularvotedotcom - u_bin_calledLv 71 week ago
do schools basically teach irony as a lifestyle instead of a concept these days?