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Thank you conservatives for all these years expressing the frustrations of being on the losing side of history?

Ah, yes, in the 1770s, conservatives supported the King. In the 1860s, conservatives supported the slavery. In the 1910s, conservatives opposed the woman's vote. In the 1930s, conservatives opposed Social Security, minimum wage, and the 40 hour work week. In the 1940s, conservatives opposed food stamps and integrating the military. In the 1960s, conservatives opposed Civil Rights and Medicare. In the 1970s, conservatives opposed women's rights and ending the Vietnam War. In the 1980s, conservatives opposed gay rights. In the 1990s, conservatives opposed the right to take family leave from a job. In the 2000s, they opposed gay marriage and Obamacare. 

I understand why they are so angry, when history keeps making them irrelevant. And now, because they're anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, they're busy killing off each other. 

Nonetheless, without you, the political forum would have been dull.

God speed, righties.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    A conservative is something that gets frustrated every time they look in a mirror.

    Attachment image
  • 1 week ago

    I’m a moderate. If you blindly follow a political party, you’re the problem. Open your mind and your mouth, but be true to yourself. 

    If not, I’ll use words you can understand, “ bah bah-bah, baaaaah, bahhhhhhhbah.

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