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Do Catholics and Orthodox believe that Mary was without sin?
10 Answers
- ?Lv 71 week ago
Yes, we do, because that is what God has clearly stated. If you read the Bible you would know that Jesus Christ founded one Church, said it was to remain one, and promised that one Church "The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth", and "Whatsoever you bind upon Earth is bound in Heaven", and "He who hears you hears Me". That one Church declares as binding truth that the virgin Mary was totally free from sin her entire life. Therefore God Himself has declared it to be so - if you believe what the Bible says.
- ?Lv 62 weeks ago
Yes we do. God the Father preserved her free of sin to bear God the Son as a human child. That is why she is called "the mother of God." She is not an "ordinary woman a sinner" as some have claimed. She alone was chosen from all women of all ages to assist in God's plan of salvation. She alone has been called "blessed for all generations" because the Lord had done great things for her. That's all scriptural. We do not "worship her as a goddess". We worship God alone in His 3 forms. We venerate our Lady though, because God said she was special, and she was the mother of our Lord.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Is it their imagination since, my sister Mary, they worship her as a goddess?
This is called: IDOLATRY!
Mary, the madonna, was a Christian woman, and, no one in the world is without sin, all have sinned, but have been forgiven by the Lord.
So, Mary may have done wrong, she asked God for her forgiveness, and he forgave her, Now her Soul is in God's Paradise!
Romans 3: 22-24.
That is, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ, for all who believe - for there is no distinction: 23 *All have sinned* and fall short of the glory of God - 24 but are justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
I put on a mask, because my answers are in compliance with Yahoo Answers, so you don't block me anymore! ù.ù
- ?Lv 72 weeks ago
Mary had to be without sin in order to contain the Son of God in her womb.
Anonymous -- Catholic magisterium teaches that? Since when is it an authority on Orthodoxy?? That's not what the Orthodox Christian Church teaches. We don't believe in original sin. Our Church teaches that we inherit *the tendency* to sin from Adam, not the sin itself.
Anonymous -- "Catholic and orthodox are not Christian, and they never were." Your ignorance is MIND-BOGGLING.
Source(s): Greek Orthodox Christian - Anonymous2 weeks ago
Catholic magisterium teaches that.
The Eastern Orthodox Churches teach that while Mary "inherited the same fallen nature, prone to sin" as with other humans, "she did not consent to sin through her free will." Due to being conceived in ancestral sin, Mary still needed "to be delivered by our Savior, her Son" according to Eastern Orthodox teaching.
- ?Lv 62 weeks ago
@ m Mary herself SAID that she rejoiced in God HER SAVIOUR (Matthew 1:47)
What did Mary need a SAVIOUR for if she didn't need saving from her sins and wasn't a sinner in need of salvation?
I know Catholics think Mary was sinless, but of course, she wasn't. She was an ordinary human being, just like the rest of us. She needed Christ to be her Saviour too, because ALL of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God. If Mary were sinless, she would be God, not man. Only CHRIST IS SINLESS because HE IS GOD
Unfortunately, many Catholics think Mary is their Mediator between God and man. They think they should go to Mary in prayer and ask her to ask her Son for things.
God has told us already that there is only ONE Mediator between God and man and it's the Man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5)
We can't do that. Jesus said we are to pray to "Our heavenly Father, which art in heaven....." (Matthew 6: 9 - 15), or as Jesus said, "Whatever you ask IN MY NAME, that I will do....etc..." (John 14: 13 & 14)
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Mary was a sinner like the rest of us. Catholic and orthodox are not Christian, and they never were. The first Christians are in Acts in the Bible, and they were obviously not catholic or orthodox. Catholic and orthodox didn't exist for hundreds of years after the Bible was complete and compiled in the 90s AD. And the King James Bible is 100% perfect and should be the only Bible you read. But catholic and orthodox lead to torments in hell because they add works to salvation (and "purgatory" doesn't exist). So get completely away from catholic and orthodox. Here is what you need to believe: The Lord Jesus Christ is God, and He loves you. Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ means being forgiven all sins past and future, and means going to heaven and not hell. Death leads to immediate heaven or hell, and it is too late to be saved, after death. All believers still sin. See 1 John 1:8. To be in heaven and not hell, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God and who died on the cross and shed His blood to pay for all of our sins in full, and who was buried, and who resurrected from the dead. The only way to avoid hell is by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, without adding any of your own works. See Romans 4:5, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, and John 3:16.