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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 2 weeks ago

4 weeks pregnant and found brown blood with cramps ?

Am 4 weeks pregnant, my period is 12 days late , today I had light cramps with back pain ,sore nipples and small amount of brown blood ( I still find it each time I go to the bathroom ) it’s small amount but it got me scared so I talked to my dr and she told me to rest only 

Is it dangerous?? Or is it normal

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Bleeding/bloody discharge is not "normal" during pregnancy. It also doesn't mean there is a huge problem either. Many woman have a few episodes of breakthrough bleeding and carry a child to term. Cramping could be gas or it could be your uterus  getting ready to release the lining. At this point, your hormones are ranging and you'll probably have any number of sensations/tenderness, etc.  

    Keep in contact with your ob/gyn and do what they tell you to do.  Make sure you contact them if your symptoms change or get more severe.  

  • 2 weeks ago

    Do you have a picture that would help alot you know

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