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Why is it taking time to hire a permanent host for Jeopardy?

Usually, when game show hosts need to be replaced, they just hire a new permanent host right away. But with Jeopardy, they have all the temporary hosts right now hosting the show before they decide who to hire permanently. Why the long process of having all these temporary hosts?

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    Alex Trebek is a tough act to follow.  The producers know that anyone they chose will be watched and judged with intense scrutiny, and the wrong candidate could tarnish the quality of the show.  They probably want to make sure that they pick someone who will not only be a good host but will embody everything that Jeopardy is about.

  • 1 week ago

    Stay out of politics and don't listen to the critics...Jeopardy needs a host that is

    respected...not a flash in the pan, not an overrated indiv, not someone who 

    "needs a job".....if the wrong person is selected.....the show will lose their


  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    They have to go thru every applicant's entire social  media content since they were 4 ,search their past for any signs of imperfection.

  • 2 weeks ago

    They've turned the selection into a game show of it's own. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    They have several more liberal leftists that they 

    feel compelled to parade in front of the cameras. 


    I hope that Aaron Rogers takes the job.

  • 2 weeks ago

    What makes you think they haven't already settled on a permanent replacement?

    The temporary guest hosts are a way to celebrate Alex Trebek's legacy without rushing in to replacing him.

    Besides, the chances are good that whoever replaces him is already committed to something.  They may continue with guest hosts through the end of season and start new in the fall.  

    That's always an issue with television seasons.  And he died in the middle of one.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Respect. Most game show hosts don't die while hosting the show. They're taking time rather than immediately replacing him out of respect to Alex Trebek, much like how out of respect, one won't immediately remarry after a spouse dies but will wait. 

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