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Lv 5
? asked in PetsDogs · 2 weeks ago

How does my dog know when I tell my mom she was doing something wrong?

For example when she steals my food, and I tell my mom that she stole my food, when my mom comes to punish her she runs away with her tail between her legs.

4 Answers

  • Jojo
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    Your dog reads your Mums body language (as  hostile), but has no inkling why she acts that way as the dog was not reprimanded the moment she committed the crime of stealing the food. A dog needs to be `reprimanded` immediately it shows any sign of committing unwanted behaviour (No or Off in stern voice) OR.. within 2 seconds of stealing the food to know WHY it is being `told off`. If left longer then that, the dog has no understanding of WHY its being punished.

  • 2 weeks ago

    The dog has had no training nor has it had the proper corrections.  You never 'punish' a dog, you correct them.  Most dog owners know very little about the dogs they own & do not treat them right or understand them.  Most know next to nil about training, correcting or much about dogs at all.

    A correction is instantaneously, quick & it is over.  No yelling, no hitting, no chasing, just an instant correction.  An untrained dog is a pain in the butt but a well trained dog is pure pleasure to own.

  • 2 weeks ago

    How very sad is all I can say to what's going on.    You /mum should ONLY correct in the act or this will be the result - your dog is SCARED of you mother.   And again, that's tragic.

    If you think she's done something wrong, then YOU correct her (or avoid her getting up to mischief in the first place?).  Don't leave it to telling you mum and having her 'punish' the dog maybe long after the event.   The dog doesn't understand why your mum is so cross and punishing her is totally pointless.

    AMEN Amos!!!   I'll miss your no-nonsense replies.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Body language.  How about YOU learn how to train & correct YOUR DOG, instead of relying on MOM?  It will be much more effective, when a correction is given at the INSTANT of misbehavior or if you see your dog sniffing the counter, table where the food is.  If you do not know how to train your dog, look for obedience classes - that put you in the driver's seat & help you make kind but effective corrections or in some cases distractions.  Classes are starting back, both outdoors & online, or you can hire a trainer for 1 on 1 help at your home.

    P.S. If you (are not brain-damaged) and know the dog is PRONE to steal food, how about not LETTING it happen, by anticipating the situation IN ADVANCE & then changing your behavior, or being on the LOOKOUT for the theft, etc.?

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