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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicJokes & Riddles · 2 weeks ago

Don't you find what Polly and Pronk are doing to Weasel  DISGUSTING?


What kind of sick losers feel the need to spread these outrageous lies? 

Update 2:

Of course they are liars.  They have accused him of raping children and being a pedophile .  How would they know  what "Weasel"  has done? Of course it's a moronic lie.  Only a brain dead idiot would believe such garbage. 

Update 3:

don't try to c u m in your pants too hard Ninefinger.  I know you're getting off on this with your self admitted  umpteen sock puppets.  How many answers did you already post here?  10?  15? Keep spreading your filth-  What morons choose to believe is their business.  Still haven't seen an ounce of proof for any of your worthless claims. 

Aw poor baby---5 years and still can't get Weasel suspended.  Don't cry too hard  jackweed- 

Update 4:

Koshka. ..I do not  know whether to THANK YOU.  or peg you as a troll HELPING Ninefinger. I'll initially give you the benefit of the doubt  and assume you might be the gullible one if you've  fallen for Ninefingers LIES and TRICKS like many here have. 

I am  FULLY Aware that NF  ALSO stalks DIRAC  in Global Warming-. I can show you the sock puppets he used to stalk Dirac, with HORRIBLE. VILE names. I am well aware of the Little Mikey Battle, and the Poems and Limmericks  MIKEY posted about NF 

Update 5:

NF is a sick pathetic liar, who does this to many users, and has created  ENDLESS sock puppets  to do his dirty work-  I can show you two DOZEN of his suspended Ninefinger accounts .  Would you like to see the one  Called  "Weasel KILLER" ?

Not sure I can post the name he gave it's that vile....but I gladly will, if you wish.  Site ìs ending anyway, so why not?  If Dirac is your FRIEND.--then you know damn well NINEFINGER is the one attacking him , because as you said, ---

Update 6:

He posts the same pathetic SICK Vile outrageous false accusations of Pedophilia  against ALL his "perceived Enemies". He's been attacking Weasel  for 5 SOLID YEARS with this BS. If you are here to *defend* Ninefinger, then you have it completely and totally wrong.  He has never ONCE **EVER** proved a single solitary accusation against Weasel.  If a WORD he posted was ever true, then WHY hasn't Weasel ever been suspended and NF **has** been- for stalking and harassment dozens of times?  DOZENS. 

Update 7:

Oh, and interestingly your account is OPEN...that's good....because I can easily see that your very own SECOND followed question.....was in FACT, a question MILITARY, regarding Ninefinger and Weasel.   and just a few QUESTIONS down,  6 months back you asked about what you do about this TROLL in Global warming-    Your own exact words are as follows---

"He has like 50 accounts, he harasses a specific user and accuses everyone he disagrees with of being that user. "

Update 8:

Gee.......funny, the same thing I am saying about Ninefinger,  who accuses Weasel of being  Bada Bing,  Aizen,  Jedi Jan  and OH,  let's not forget ARMOUROR who he also frequently insults and battles with. 

Update 9:

He accuses ***anyone*** who defends Weasel, of being one of Weasel's sock puppets. If YOU defended Weasel , he would pop up instantly here, and accuse YOU of being Weasel.  THIS IS WHAT HE DOES.  And now he has a little HELPER by the name of POLLY  helping him spoon feed all the users here his LIES-   Accusing a fake name in cyberspace of "raping children"  Claiming to have seen his "arrest record"...claiming heìs molested his own son and his wife left him...and other sick happy HORSESH*T - 

Update 10:

How would NF  ***KNOW*** any such things about a fake name like "Weasel"  in cyber space?  Has he seen the arrest record of "Weasel McWeasel". ? Of course not.  It's all fake BULLSH*T-   That Polly told to Pronk  here and Pronk believed and started repeating, and now  all these fake  people  hate on Weasel-   The same EXACT game he played in MILTARY ...with all his fake  REGION/RAJON  "friends"  4 years ago,  as you SAW with your own eyes....since you followed the Question. 

Update 11:

ahh, just checked out your OTHER account listed on your homepage.  Well, surprise surprise surprise......How interesting . On that account you're following a whole 4 people-    WEASEL  and  Lo and Behold  , Ninefinger.   Of COUUURRRSSEEE-  Now Whyyyyyy would you be following Ninefinger?  A fan of all his Pedophile accusations?  Wow, it just never ends here, does it?  Yeah, not nearly as gullible as you seem to think-  I wonder what troll accounts you're following on THIS hidden profile account? 

Update 12:

and let's see,  since Weasel has never USED the Global Warming category,  where YOUR troll war takes places,   just where and how and why did you come up with the conclusion that......let me get the exact phrase here........ "but he was boasted with pride. "  (whatever the hell that's suppose to mean)  Weasel has posted here for 13 years on ONE account.  Please,  enlighten us to all his "boasting".  I seem to recall years of funny stories and excellent puns , right here in this group. 

Update 13:

Yeah, you have "nothing against either".....but defend  NF, and insult Weasel. Plus your following NF. Uh bias at all.  Because Weasel has done *what* to you now? and seeing as you've never answered a single question of Weasel's   just WHY are you following  him, out of all the users on these boards,  you're following HIM.  and just so happened to POP in here, to throw all the blame on Little Mickey. 

Riggggggggghhhhhht .   Gotcha.  Just passing thru, right?  

Update 14:

Yeah, give my regards to NineNuts the next time you TALK to him.  What's a matter?  Is he all out of sock puppets, and couldn't post  5 more insulting answers here?  I've already gotten a dozen or more deleted,  but nice try.   Maybe "Little Mickey" will show up next --Or "Weasel Killer"......or my personal favorite  REGION/RAJON-  I think that NF sock puppet is still active........bring the WHOLE sock puppet gang.  If you're gonna make it a farewell gang bang, make it a good one. 

Update 15:

Yeah, I write just like Weasel.....what of it ?  funny how you don't address anything I wrote, but  you are more concerned with my username.  Why is YOUR account Hidden?  Your mistake was leaving the OTHER one open.  WHOOPS.  Tell me you don't talk to NF-   Go ahead.  Let me hear that lie.  yeah, NF showed you pictures . Bullsh*t-  He's been asked to slap the proof on the table 1,000 times and not ONCE has he done so,  EVER, ANYWHERE.  So where did you see all this amazing Proof? 

Update 16:

What proof?  some stolen pictures off Facebook ? and you can pretend all you want, I never once posted in Global Warming. I know NOTHING of the battles there.. don't know any of the users,  except NF--who used  many of the TROLL accounts to INSULT Dirac,  that he *also* used to insult Weasel, and  Weasel has no damn  CLUE  about  who "Dirac" is, but clearly deduced it's a  G.W. Battle that he stayed the hell out of, since he had his own rolling battles with NF ELSEWHERE, and didn't need ANOTHER.

Update 17:

The same SICK game he played in MILITARY,  he dragged to THIS group now, and POISONED the whole goddamn board. Not buying you just "happened" to fall by  THIS group, where you never posted and decided to  hop THIS question, of all questions.  Are we to believe that was an Accident?  What game are YOU playing? 

Tell ya  what......ask a question , and maybe Weasel will answer you,   how's that? 

But not here, too many trolls watching.  As YOU well know. 

Update 18:

Ohhh, and one more thing, as Columbo would say, added Weasel and Nine to "investigate"  and find out what happened?    Well, please,  enlighten us all,  what did your "investigation" turn up?  Because if you investigated at all,  you should have uncovered about 1,000 troll questions,  asked by Ninefinger, and assorted socks of his , all posting sheer rubbish about Weasel,  many of which can still be found, to this the one on your FOLLOWED LIST.  Hmmm? 

Update 19:

What did THAT  question, tell you  Sherlock?  and you're damn right I am NOT Little Mickey or anyone else.  I'm ME . and if you believe a WORD Ninefinger says,  then you are completely FOS.  Ask him about the time he ranted and raved that Weasel was in some Veteran's group and Nine and his "friends"  (sock puppets)   all kicked Weasel out of the group.  Except it wasn't Weasel, it was some idiot who stole his picture, created a FAKE FB account and Pretended to be Weasel. ASK HIM about it. 

7 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago
    Favourite answer

    Would hardly call what has been said common bickering and it has been going on for quite some time.  That is not arguing.  Slander only comes from the lowliest of individuals, and their poison perpetuated by the like minded.  Associate with those kinds of people and you become tainted.  There is only one way to deal with those kinds of people I believe and that is in court.  

    When I have called it out for what it is, slander, the cowards accused me of not being who I am, and usually my questions and answers have been reported and removed.  How courageous hey!Feel sorry for the greater community of people that really used to enjoy Answers; it certainly lost it's appeal with all the spite and slander.  Made some great friends along the way but I won't miss it.  

    Update 19/04: Again the filthy slander (again no evidence).  Also again I am accused of being someone else; boring!  I live in Australia, a completely different country to Weasel.  I don't hide behind "anonymous" and have never had need for a sock account (note the accuser actually admits to having a few).  I don't have the need to abuse and slight other people either to make points.  People can make their own conclusions.  Most already have.  They can wonder how many of my thumbs down is from the very same person too.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    I need to say I do not think you are any of these ugly people Weasel , I am sorry you have had to deal with this kind of ugliness. You truly should never let it bother you . I wish you a great life, keep on playing your board games and collecting your crystal , I have stopped collecting anything , except FRIENDS ! Laugh and be happy , and that is for us all!!

  • Koshka
    Lv 5
    1 week ago

    Is this a joke or a riddle? I think it's a riddle. 

    (more edits down asking why you don't show screename) 

    I have seen the EXACT-SAME abusive disgusting poetry (limeriks) that was written about ninefingers in Militaty written about one of my contacts Dirac in the Global Warming. 

    I have seen abusive trolling of users asking ninefingers to show them FB pictures, which he did, nut they kept accusing him of having multiple socks when at least one of them did. Now tell me who the abuser is? I have seen the same type of abuse targetted at my contact Dirac. The vile poetry is exactly the same, slanderous accusations only a sociopathic and obsessive- compulsive liar filled with hatred could stoop down to.

    Initially I believed nine was the bad guy, but now I know it was Little Mickey, Whyoming, Army Guy Albany, etc,...all have abused ninefingers.

    I'm not sure if Weasel was good or bad, but he was boasted with pride, and IMHO, gullible. 

    Now, this is the last day for Y!A

    Why don't you all make peace? 

    BTW I have two accounts. Link is on my profile page.Take care, everyone.

    I came here to say goodbye to Elizabeth, the super bright and funny Irish nurse.

    If you see this Liz, I send you warm (((HUGS))) from Canada, with love 2U. xx

    Edit: Jedi Jan, I and other users in GW category have been accused of being Dirac constantly. See my other profile if you have time and look at the ''followed questions'' I have nothing against Weasel OR Ninefinger, I think a troll Little Mickey, started the whole thing. I could be wrong, but all I know is that the EXACT SAME horrific and slanderous limeriks have been written about both of them...take care.

    @the asker, why don't you show your screename, this way we shall know who you are. Why are you hiding? Also, you sure sound like one of the people who answered. I think I know who you are...BTW, the troll did the same to us in GW, so step down your own pedestal. You were not the only one who got ''trolled''

    Furthurmore, how do you know it was not the troll who impersonated nine? He did the exact same thing, impersonated Dirac, me and a bunch of other users in the GW category...

    Come on, show us your screename, come out of hiding. Why not?

    You sure sound like Weasel McWeasel, by the way your question escalates, by your writing style, etc,. But I could be wrong. Why hide now on the last day? I have nothing against you, or anyone for that matter, even the pathetic troll. I just like to clarify things. And I wish EVERYONE well and Peace to all.

    Another Edit: to asker: I connected to weasel with my other account to investigate and find out what happened...I read many of his Q&A's ... sense of humour, very proud, easily angered, writes a bit like you! Your style is quite unique.

    Not like Little Mickey. who writes like Wyoming and Dave (the rhinoceros)...John Smith, etc...who harassed ninefinger, who's different profiles did not have the same writing style as the original ninefinger! 

    PS I followed nine and mcweasel and always Dirac followed to protect him, on my other profile along with the YA team to investigate...duh, show us who you are. BTW I never talked to ninefinger, I talked to weasel trough an answer. 

    That's funny what you say tht this account is ''closed'' I opened it last week, and logged out to is quite OPEN all right but not to the people that are not on my blocked list. Maybe you are not weasel or maybe you are bluffing. Please show screename. TY

    How come you said can't see THIS profile, I said I OPENED IT back last week. Furthurmore, I blocked so many trolls, I din't keep count, can you see THIS profile, if not, then you are on this profile's blocked list...or you are bluffing.

    Show us your screen name. I give you benefit of doubt, in fact, I learned early in my life to give everyone benefit of doubt. It was how I was raised. Not to jump to conclusions immidiately, but to seek the truth and draw my own conclusions, see the good in all people and to forgive.  But I LOVE to find things out...This is how it is. 

    Last EDIT: Which part of ''show us screen name did you not understand''? I asked several times. And why would the troll attack my contact with the same vile poetry as he did to ninefinger. Perhaps, you got fooled by the troll too. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Good for them, because Polly & Pronk aren't liars.

    Weasel McWeasel is a disgusting man child that preys on other users with his sock puppet accounts or "friends" as he refers to them LOL.

    Interesting how Weasels been crying like Nancy Kerrigan all over the yahoo boards saying that he's burying his computer when yahoo closes.Someone with real friends that's willing to play by the rules & face moderation on another site wouldn't be doing that.Hehehehehe

    Source(s): I love how Karma works.
  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Weasel has a long history of being an abusive stalker that has many sock puppet accounts that he uses to group bully other users with while claiming that he's an innocent victim.

    Polly and Pronk are the latest targets that the Weasel is stalking.

    Pronk is a respected yahoo user that has a deserving position on the jokes and riddles leader board.

    Weasel the troll never was.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    But, if I may address what Regwah wrote, a few points I'd like to make. 

    1. ) Do you believe **I** wanted to go out like this, with a bunch of idiots calling me a pedo, after 13 years, and years of being in this group.....only for troll stalkers to ruin it all in the end? 

    2.) You show up in the last , what? 5 or 6 DAYS of the group---knowing NOTHING of the trolling that's gone on, NOTHING of the names and false accusations and LIES that have been tossed, yet immediately take the side of the trolls lying about me? Now how does that look from MY chair , bro- ? 

    3.) YOU came here, saying you knew me, from way back, I didn't go after you, YOU came here, ----- funny, you didn't go to P&S or POLITICS or MIlitary or Yahoo Answers, or anywhere else I came the LAST 5 days of Yahoo......and wished me well-----and then award a bunch answers to people calling me a Pedophile and other insults and lies- 

    I answered ALL your questions, bro, but the stalkers here, took down most of my answers. So what do you do ? You award best answers to the people lying about me? How is that cool, bro? 

    4.) You know Polly and Pronk from all their funny questions and what? the last 5 days since you showed up here? Oh, so I guess you didn't see any of the funny answers or questions I've posted for the last 13 f******** Years. Huh? 

    But 5 days gave you a good bead on what goes on around here, huh? 

    5.) Ohhh, THANK YOU for conceding that Polly "could do better" than just repeating the pedophile bullsh*t my stalker has been posting about me for the last 5 YEARS all around the boards. But let me never saw any of that right? No , of course not- And when they claimed to have seen my arrest record, they surely showed you a copy of that, right? 

    I *love* how you just brush that off like it's *Nothing*.....and then launch into your own lie.......that you wished me well, ***AFTER*** I said thanks for Nothing. 

    If that's true, I sure haven't seen it yet. What I did this order........was you wishing me well, and me returning those good wishes, and trying to explain what was going on here, in great detail and at length... which I KNOW you saw, since you gave me a BEST answer for it--...and then the NEXT thing I saw. was you giving Best answers to the very people I just got finished telling you were stalking and lying about me. 

    THEN.......I said, Thanks for nothing.........since obviously you find such comments "witty and amusing"......and clearly, have never once seen any of my witty and amusing comments here.----and I can pun with the best of them, and have done so, as evidenced by my place on the Leaderboard.  

    The same leaderboard that contains Neither Polly or Cheese whisperer the two LIARS , and trolls lying about me. But clearly you hold them is such high esteem, as opposed to someone you claim to know way back from the Green days.......yet here you are , in the last 5 days of the boards, awarding these azzclowns best answers.............NOT for GOOD, witty answers, Regwah..........but for attacks on *ME*- 

    BEST answers......for ATTACKING me. But yeah, you don't want to get involved.......I guess those were just "accidents" , huh? 

    You say you don't want the boards to end like this.......and yet here you are, helping THIS board, end EXACTLY like that. By aiding and abetting these LIARS and TROLLS- 

    Yeah man, so you can drop the innocent act.......I wish you well too......... Go enjoy Pronks group and lie about me all you want, okay? 

    Live long and prosper, all of you. and all of that utter meaningless crap 

    How about you just STOP the damn f********* trolling instead, okay bro? 

    I never attacked *anyone* here.......until they hurled the insults and lies FIRST- 

    I didn't last 13 YEARS attacking people- Maybe you should stop and think about that for a second. 

    But if you want to believe all the SPIN and LIES and fact distortions........ that's your choice bro. I would have thought ADULTS would have acted better than this.

  • Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    i don't know who any of those people are...

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