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How much will I get for PUA insurance in MD?

Hello I filed a PUA claim in MD and was wondering if I worked both for Uber eats and Door dash the combined income or salary would mean I would get higher weekly benefits compared to just submitting one of them?Currently I only submitted door dash because I'm still waiting for Uber to send me my proof of employment form but would adding both gig jobs increase my weekly benefits.


Some of you are saying I can’t be unemployed if I do doordash but in my area the orders are too small that after gas and mileage I’m not making much like $7-8 an hour 

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    An eligible applicant may receive a minimum of $176 a week, up to $430 a week based on the amount of pay they were earning and whether they can document it for the Department. This PUA benefit can be paid out for up to 39 weeks.

  • 2 weeks ago

    PUA is based on your revenue, not your adjusted gross income.

    When you certify for benefits you are REQUIRED to report your the amount you are paid from your clients.

    Not the potential taxable income that you won't even know for about 9 months!!

    If this is not how you are reporting, then you need to fix it and pay back anything you shouldn't of gotten.  If you don't it's unemployment fraud. 

    Based on your prior questions, you weren't even living in the US until January 2020.

    Looks like you are committing a whole bunch of fruad:

  • 2 weeks ago

    I'm not sure what you are filing for, you can still Uber Eats and Door Dash, so you are not unemployed....

  • Eva
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    It would because more earnings give you a higher benefit, but you're going to have a hard time convincing them that there isn't work for you.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    You are an idiot and you're not going to get a nickel. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    To get any money from PUA, you had to be working a gig job as of February 15, 2020.  Because you have to have had an income decline due to covid.  If you didn't start gig working until later, your income was not impacted due to covid.

    When PUA, was first introduced you could use 1099s as proof of income.  However, since it's really going to based on your 2019 income, you should have filed those taxes by now.

    Why are you submitting this information now, instead of a year ago when the income reduction occurred?

    And besides the initial couple of months, did a doordash driver have an income reduction?  I don't think so!  They INCREASED their income.

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