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If science shows co2 up and fires down, then why do some say that rising co2 leads to more fires?

You can see from the chart that the correlation goes the other way.

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6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    you can't burn trees that are already gone. Totally out of context chart.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Stupidity in FACT leads to more fires.

    California is the poster child for this stupidity.

    They surround their homes with trillions of acres of fuel in a region that has very little rain then wonder why their homes keep burning down.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    The forests are meant to burn. It clears the rubbish away, ( big trees survive), and their seeds need the heat to propagate.

    The problem is that in the last 100 years , people have been making their homes there in large numbers. For millions of year fires had no impact like this.What has happened is that by suppressing fires, the twigs and rubbish on the forest floor builds up and when it does catch fire, it’s far more intense than nature intended and the big trees catch alight too, adding massively to the ferocity.

    All man made but nothing to do with climate change.

    Btw. Beware of cause and effect. Fires produce CO2 so more fires = more CO2, not the other way round.

  • Daro
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Not "some" just those who ironically also worship big government.

    Not a coincidence that the dividing line for AGW falls very closely along liberal / conservative line and libs always siding with big government socialists.

    Same libs who think Democats care about the poor and are working tirelessly to make your lives better also swallow these, clearly gov. schemes. Notice most scientists who speak up in disagreement have little or no dependence on government. Like Roger Revelle who changed sides after he retired. They have a video on Heartland about Gores response to Revelles switch. It is not pretty.


    They debunque the gov. claims regularly.

    Wildfires dropped dramatically as forest management (culling deadwood and such) were implement and logging was used to control undergrowth.

    A slight uptick in the destruction can be seen coinciding with liberals curtailing our efforts to manage forests. Like NAFTA which moved much of our logging industry to Canada, i am sure they appreciated Americans sacrifice for them.


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  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    These climate clowns will say or do anything to push their hate filled political agenda.  They don't really care if they aren't accurate.  They lie and distort to push their politics.  We have many of the clowns that post here and many of them are true believers.  That just makes them gullible and stupid.  The rest are evil liars.  

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Are forest fires caused directly by global warming? No.

    Are  heatwaves and fires made more frequent, more intense by global warming? Yes.

    In recent decades we have many effective ways of forestry management - with techniques like creating firebreaks, and of course, our ability to drop water on forest fires from the sky and from fire engines on the ground, which was not an option 100 years ago. These have hopefully reduced the extent of damage caused by forest fires, but something has stopped the effort translating into a reduction in the proportion of forest burned. That something may be global warming, with increased temperatures and perturbed precipitation patterns.

    The improved fire-control techniques that we now have are offset by the increased global temperatures, and the intent of global warming deniers to show that global warming is unrelated to forest fires is another of their failures.

    We need to put far more effort into containing forest fires. Generally, we need early warning of fires so that they can be identified and put out when they are starting, satellites and drones might be useful here and we need to put more effort into creating firebreaks an clearing litter.  Controlled burning, when fires are set a short time before expected rain, can be helpful because fire is part of the natural cycle.

    Forestry management needs to be part of the Green New Deal.

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