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Boyfriend doesn’t want me quitting?

I’m expecting at the moment and just been told I have an 50% chance of an miscarriage. I’ve been put on pelvic rest, I was going to go on bed rest but I told them I have to work. But right now work is really stressing me out, the schedule has me all over the place and they even have me working longer than my boyfriend who works there with me. I suffer from depression and I feel like this job is making me even more depressed. I was planning on quitting because it’s really messing with me mentally BUT my boyfriend states he doesn’t want a " stay at home woman " or a " lazy woman ". He says if I quit that means I’m not thinking of our child or just giving up in life easily. He even went as far as saying that I don’t love myself and he wants to see me push harder but I’m truly tired. The smell at this job, all of the standing up and bending down I have to do.. Then the angry outbursts I have to deal with from the clients. I need advice. 

4 Answers

  • drip
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    You need to get a lawyer, protect your child’s right and yours and kick that guy to the curb. 

    He doesn’t give a damn about his unborn child’s life or your health. 

    Next see your doctor let them know what all is going on. 

  • T J
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Go on disability, have your doctor white a note for your boss.

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    If a doctor has tagged your pregnancy as high risk you're eligible for disability payments. Sign up for those and if this guy keeps giving you grief about it you'll know you got pregnant by the wrong man. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    My advice is quit trolling

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